playing time: 30 min • by nicky case, april 2018 loading... let's play! → Why is it that the same people, in different groups, can be kind, cruel, smart, stupid? In this explorable explanation, I'll show how the network of a group itself can shape the people caught in its web. blah blah blah blah blah
let's make a network of friends!
draw to connect scratch to   disconnect feel free to play around! when you're done, let's continue → blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah thresholds NOT COUNTING THEMSELVES # of drinker friends / # of total friends % of friends are drinkers (black line shows the 50% "majority" mark) and next... blah blah drinking blah blah next blah blah puzzle HOW MANY PEEPS FOOLED: blah blah puzzle a winrar is you blah blah post-puzzle simple contagion... WIN > start sim >> next reset sim HERP DERP Herp derp HERP derp derp? Herp derp DERP herp herp derp!