window.onload = function(){ init(); } = 500; = 500; canvas.width = parseInt(*2; canvas.height = parseInt(*2; var initData; if(window.location.hash){ initData = JSON.parse(window.location.hash.substr(1)); }else{ initData = { "goal": "herp derp", "contagion": contagionThreshold, "peeps": [ [200,200], [300,300] ], "connections": [ [0,1] ] }; } function init(){ // Add peeps! _loadData(initData); // Update update(); } // KEYS TO ADD & REMOVE PEEPS window.addEventListener("keydown", function(event){ // "S" for SAVE if(event.keyCode==83){ event.cancelBubble = true; event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); _save(); } // "1" to "2" TO ADD A PEEP var keybase = 48; if(event.keyCode>=keybase+1 && event.keyCode<=keybase+2){ // Am I hovering over a peep (no buffer)? var peepHovered = _mouseOverPeep(0); if(peepHovered){ removePeep(peepHovered); // If so, DELETE IT }else{ var state = event.keyCode-keybase; addPeep(Mouse.x, Mouse.y, state); // If not, ADD ONE } } }); // SPACE TO MOVE PEEPS var movingPeep = null; var movingPeepOffset = {x:0,y:0} function _preUpdate(){ if(movingPeep){ movingPeep.x = Mouse.x - movingPeepOffset.x; movingPeep.y = Mouse.y - movingPeepOffset.y; } } window.addEventListener("keydown", function(event){ if(event.keyCode==32){ var peepHovered = _mouseOverPeep(0); if(peepHovered){ movingPeep = peepHovered; movingPeepOffset.x = Mouse.x - movingPeep.x; movingPeepOffset.y = Mouse.y - movingPeep.y; } } }); window.addEventListener("keyup", function(event){ if(event.keyCode==32){ movingPeep = null; } }); // BUTTONS: SAVE / LOAD / CLEAR var dataTextbox = $("#data"); var _saveData = function(){ var network = saveNetwork(); return { goal: $("#goal").value, contagion: contagionThreshold, peeps: network.peeps, connections: network.connections } } var _save = function(){ var newData; if(SIM_IS_RUNNING){ newData = initData; }else{ newData = _saveData(); } dataTextbox.value = JSON.stringify(newData);; window.location.hash = dataTextbox.value; }; $("#buttonSave").onclick = _save; var _loadData = function(data){ loadNetwork(data); $("#goal").value = data.goal; $("#contagionSlider").value = Math.round(data.contagion*12); _getThreshold(); } $("#buttonLoad").onclick = function(){ try{ var data = JSON.parse(dataTextbox.value); _loadData(data); dataTextbox.value = "loaded!"; }catch(e){ alert("DATA AIN'T PROPER JSON, YO"); } }; $("#buttonClear").onclick = function(){ clearNetwork(); }; // Editing the Mission Goal statement: DON'T PROPAGATE KEYS $("#goal").addEventListener("keydown", function(event){ event.cancelBubble = true; event.stopPropagation(); }); ///////////////////////////////////////// //// RUN THE SIMULATION, YO ///////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// var SIM_IS_RUNNING = false; var SIM_STEP = 0; var _updateSimRunningUI = function(){ if(SIM_IS_RUNNING){ $("#simIsNotRunning").style.display = "none"; $("#simIsRunning").style.display = "inline"; = "#777"; $("#sim_step").innerHTML = SIM_STEP; }else{ $("#simIsNotRunning").style.display = "inline"; $("#simIsRunning").style.display = "none"; = ""; } }; _updateSimRunningUI(); $("#simStart").onclick = function(){ SIM_STEP = 0; SIM_IS_RUNNING = true; initData = _saveData(); _updateSimRunningUI(); }; $("#simStop").onclick = function(){ SIM_IS_RUNNING = false; _loadData(initData); update(); _updateSimRunningUI(); }; var contagionThreshold = 0; var _getThreshold = function(){ contagionThreshold = $("#contagionSlider").value/12; $("#contagionLabel").innerHTML = Math.floor(contagionThreshold*100)+"%"; } $("#contagionSlider").oninput = _getThreshold; _getThreshold(); function stepSimulation(){ // Consider all peeps, and their friends var toInfect = []; peeps.forEach(function(peep){ // How many infected friends? if(peep.numFriends==0) return; // No friends? NVM. var ratioOfInfectedFriends = peep.numInfectedFriends/peep.numFriends; // Passed threshold? if(contagionThreshold==0){ // simple contagion, just ANY friend if(peep.numInfectedFriends>0) toInfect.push(peep); }else{ // greater OR EQUALS (fuzz coz floating point) if(ratioOfInfectedFriends>=contagionThreshold-0.0001){ toInfect.push(peep); } } }); // "Infect" the peeps who need to get infected toInfect.forEach(function(peep){ peep.state = 2; }); } $("#simNext").onclick = function(){ SIM_STEP++; _updateSimRunningUI(); stepSimulation(); }; function $(query){ return document.querySelector(query); }