Math.TAU = Math.PI*2; var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");// || document.createElement("canvas"); = "none"; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var peeps = []; var connections = []; var drawing = new Drawing(); var cursor = new Cursor(); var winnerImage = new Image(); winnerImage.src = "img/winner.png"; var CONTAGION_THRESHOLD = 0; var CONTAGION_THRESHOLD_2 = 0; var clearNetwork = function(){ peeps = []; connections = []; }; var loadNetwork = function(data){ // Clear! clearNetwork(); // Peeps data.peeps.forEach(function(p){ addPeep(p[0], p[1], p[2]); }); // Connections data.connections.forEach(function(c){ var from = peeps[c[0]]; var to = peeps[c[1]]; var uncuttable = c[2]; addConnection(from, to, uncuttable); }); // Contagion threshold? if(data.contagion !== undefined){ CONTAGION_THRESHOLD = data.contagion; }else{ CONTAGION_THRESHOLD = 0; } if(data.contagion2 !== undefined){ CONTAGION_THRESHOLD_2 = data.contagion2; }else{ CONTAGION_THRESHOLD_2 = 0; } } var saveNetwork = function(){ var data = { peeps: [], connections: [], contagion: CONTAGION_THRESHOLD, contagion2: CONTAGION_THRESHOLD_2, }; peeps.forEach(function(peep){ data.peeps.push([peep.x, peep.y, peep.state]); }); connections.forEach(function(c){ var fromIndex = peeps.indexOf(c.from); var toIndex = peeps.indexOf(; data.connections.push([fromIndex, toIndex, c.uncuttable]); }); return data; } var DRAW_STATE = 0; // 0-nothing | 1-connecting | 2-erasing var DRAW_CONNECT_FROM = null; var CONNECT_FROM_BUFFER = 15;//25; var CONNECT_TO_BUFFER = 25; var YOU_ARE_WINNER = false; function update(){ // Mouse logic... if(SIM_IS_RUNNING){ DRAW_STATE = 0; // back to normal Mouse.update(); }else{ if(Mouse.justPressed && DRAW_STATE===0){ // Clicked on a peep? var peepClicked = _mouseOverPeep(CONNECT_FROM_BUFFER); // buffer of 20px if(peepClicked){ DRAW_CONNECT_FROM = peepClicked; DRAW_STATE = 1; // START CONNECTING drawing.startConnect(peepClicked); // Drawing logic }else{ DRAW_STATE = 2; // START ERASING } } if(DRAW_STATE==2){ // ERASE // Intersect with any CUTTABLE connections? var line = [Mouse.lastX, Mouse.lastY, Mouse.x, Mouse.y]; for(var i=connections.length-1; i>=0; i--){ // going BACKWARDS coz killing var c = connections[i]; if(c.uncuttable) continue; // don't touch the UNCUTTABLES if(c.hitTest(line)) connections.splice(i,1); } drawing.startErase(); // Drawing logic } if(Mouse.justReleased && DRAW_STATE!==0){ // Connecting peeps, and released on a peep? if(DRAW_STATE==1){ var peepReleased = _mouseOverPeep(CONNECT_TO_BUFFER); // buffer of 20px if(peepReleased){ // connect 'em! addConnection(DRAW_CONNECT_FROM, peepReleased); DRAW_CONNECT_FROM = null; } drawing.endConnect(); // Drawing logic }else if(DRAW_STATE==2){ drawing.endErase(); // Drawing logic } DRAW_STATE = 0; // back to normal } Mouse.update(); // Cursor Logic if(DRAW_STATE==0){ var peepHovered = _mouseOverPeep(CONNECT_FROM_BUFFER); // buffer of 20px if(peepHovered){ cursor.setMode(Cursor.CONNECT); }else{ cursor.setMode(Cursor.NORMAL); } } if(DRAW_STATE==1){ cursor.setMode(Cursor.CONNECT); } if(DRAW_STATE==2){ cursor.setMode(Cursor.ERASE); } } // Update Logic connections.forEach(function(connection){ connection.update(ctx); }); drawing.update(); peeps.forEach(function(peep){ peep.update(); }); cursor.update(); // Draw Logic ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.fillStyle = SIM_IS_RUNNING ? "#eee" : "#fff"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);; ctx.scale(2,2); _preUpdate(); //ctx.translate(0,100); connections.forEach(function(connection){ connection.draw(ctx); }); drawing.draw(ctx); peeps.forEach(function(peep){ peep.draw(ctx); }); cursor.draw(ctx); _onUpdate(); if(YOU_ARE_WINNER){ ctx.drawImage(winnerImage, 0, 0, 500, 500); } ctx.restore(); // RAF requestAnimationFrame(update); } function _preUpdate(){ // TO IMPLEMENT } function _onUpdate(){ // TO IMPLEMENT } /////////////////////////////////////// // CONTAGION UI, WHY NOT HMMMM //////// /////////////////////////////////////// function $(query){ return document.querySelector(query); } function showContagionUI(){ // Just display the div $("#sim_ui").style.display = "block"; _updateSimRunningUI(); } var SIM_IS_RUNNING = false; var SIM_STEP = 0; var _updateSimRunningUI = function(){ if(SIM_IS_RUNNING){ $("#sim_is_not_running").style.display = "none"; $("#sim_is_running").style.display = "inline"; // = "#777"; $("#sim_step").innerHTML = SIM_STEP; }else{ $("#sim_is_not_running").style.display = "inline"; $("#sim_is_running").style.display = "none"; // = ""; } }; var _networkBeforeSimulationStarted = null; function _startSim(){ SIM_STEP = 0; SIM_IS_RUNNING = true; _networkBeforeSimulationStarted = saveNetwork(); _updateSimRunningUI(); _startSimulation(); }; $("#sim_start").onclick = _startSim; function _stopSim(){ SIM_IS_RUNNING = false; _resetToBeforeSimStarted(); _updateSimRunningUI(); _stopSimulation(); }; $("#sim_stop").onclick = _stopSim; function _simNext(){ SIM_STEP++; _updateSimRunningUI(); _stepSimulation(); }; $("#sim_next").onclick = _simNext; function _resetToBeforeSimStarted(){ loadNetwork(_networkBeforeSimulationStarted); } function _startSimulation(){ // To Implement } function _stopSimulation(){ // To Implement } function _stepSimulation(){ _infectPeople(); } function _infectPeople(){ // Consider all peeps, and their friends var toInfect = []; peeps.forEach(function(peep){ // How many infected friends? if(peep.numFriends==0) return; // No friends? NVM. var ratioOfInfectedFriends = peep.numInfectedFriends/peep.numFriends; // Passed threshold? if(CONTAGION_THRESHOLD==0){ // simple contagion, just ANY friend if(peep.numInfectedFriends>0) toInfect.push(peep); }else{ // greater OR EQUALS (fuzz coz floating point) if(ratioOfInfectedFriends>=CONTAGION_THRESHOLD-0.0001){ toInfect.push(peep); } } }); // "Infect" the peeps who need to get infected toInfect.forEach(function(peep){ peep.infect(); }); }