playing time: 30 min • by nicky case, april 2018 loading... let's play! → Why is it that the same people, in different groups, can be kind, cruel, smart, stupid? In this explorable explanation, I'll show how the network of a group itself can shape the people caught in its web. blah blah blah blah blah
let's make a network of friends!
draw to connect scratch to   disconnect feel free to play around! when you're done, let's continue → blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah thresholds NOT COUNTING THEMSELVES # of drinker friends / # of total friends % of friends are drinkers (black line shows the 50% "majority" mark) and next... blah blah drinking blah blah next blah blah puzzle HOW MANY PEEPS FOOLED: blah blah puzzle a winrar is you blah blah post-puzzle simple contagion... blah blah simple next blah blah simple cascade onwards... blah blah complex vs simple herp derp blah blah next blah blah complex cascade fweeee blah blah complex prevention herp derp blah blah next FWEEEEEE WIN > start >> next ↺ reset HERP DERP Herp derp HERP derp derp? Herp derp DERP herp herp derp!