/****************************************** THE SLIDESHOW - background: fullscreen iframe (so can draw everywhere) - foreground: words & pictures ******************************************/ var SLIDES = []; function Slideshow(){ var self = this; // The DOM & properties... self.dom = $("#slideshow"); self.slideIndex = 0; self.currentSlide = null; self.currentState = null; // My stuff... self.boxes = new Boxes(); self.simulations = new Simulations(); self.scratch = new Scratch(); // GOTO and NEXT var _delay = 300; self.IS_TRANSITIONING = false; self.goto = function(index){ // Wait for transition to finish! if(self.IS_TRANSITIONING) return; self.IS_TRANSITIONING = true; // Which slide? self.slideIndex = index; var isFirstSlide = (self.currentSlide==null); var slide = SLIDES[self.slideIndex]; // Clear? var _delayNewSlide = 0; if(slide.clear && !isFirstSlide){ _delayNewSlide = 800; self.scratch.scratchOut(); // Scratch out $("#container").removeAttribute("sim_is_running"); // remove that UI } _setTimeout(function(){ // Scratch in? if(_delayNewSlide>0){ self.clear(); self.scratch.scratchIn(); // Scratch in } // Remove stuff slide.remove = slide.remove || []; slide.remove.forEach(function(childConfig){ var withFade = true; switch(childConfig.type){ case "box": self.boxes.removeChildByID(childConfig.id, withFade); break; case "sim": //self.simulations.removeChildByID(childConfig); break; } }); // Move stuff slide.move = slide.move || []; slide.move.forEach(function(childConfig){ switch(childConfig.type){ case "box": //self.boxes.add(childConfig); break; case "sim": var sim = self.simulations.getChildByID(childConfig.id); var newPosition = { x: (childConfig.x===undefined) ? sim.config.x : childConfig.x, y: (childConfig.y===undefined) ? sim.config.y : childConfig.y }; tweenPosition(sim.config, newPosition); break; } }); // Add stuff slide.add = slide.add || []; var _delayAdd = ((slide.remove.length + slide.move.length)>0) ? _delay : 0; _setTimeout(function(){ var withFade = ((slide.remove.length + slide.move.length)>0); slide.add.forEach(function(childConfig){ switch(childConfig.type){ case "box": self.boxes.add(childConfig, withFade); break; case "sim": self.simulations.add(childConfig, withFade); break; } }) }, _delayAdd); // I'm the new slide now self.currentSlide = slide; // On start (if any) self.currentState = {}; if(slide.onstart) slide.onstart(self, self.currentState); // Transition done... sorta! _setTimeout(function(){ self.IS_TRANSITIONING = false; },800); }, _delayNewSlide); // Tell everyone it's a new chapter if(slide.chapter && slide.chapter.indexOf("-")<0){ // is chapter and not sub-chapter publish("slideshow/goto/",[slide.chapter]); } }; var _setTimeout = function(callback, delay){ if(delay==0) return callback(); else setTimeout(callback, delay); }; self.gotoChapter = function(chapterID){ var index = SLIDES.findIndex(function(slide){ return slide.chapter == chapterID; }); self.goto(index); }; self.next = function(){ self.goto(self.slideIndex+1); }; // Clear out the DOM self.clear = function(){ self.boxes.clear(); self.simulations.clear(); self.dom.innerHTML = ""; }; // Update self.update = function(){ var slide = self.currentSlide; self.simulations.update(); if(slide.onupdate) slide.onupdate(self, self.currentState); }; // Draw self.draw = function(){ self.simulations.draw(); } }