// 1 - NETWORKS SLIDES.push( // PLAY AROUND: how to connect & disconnect { chapter: "Networks", clear:true, add:[ // The top instructions { type:"box", text:"networks_tutorial_start", x:260, y:0, w:440, h:70, align:"center" }, // The fullscreen simulation { type:"sim", x:0, y:10, fullscreen: true, network: { "contagion":0, "peeps":[[44,184,0],[155,215,0],[237,105,0],[309,213,0],[646,211,0],[328,305,0],[629,308,0],[417,111,0],[538,362,0],[216,299,0],[94,314,0],[-61,220,0],[68,455,0],[733,147,0],[760,293,0],[776,437,0],[759,48,0],[134,33,0],[929,181,0],[848,111,0],[1013,330,0],[880,269,0],[538,128,0],[189,388,0],[853,356,0]], "connections":[[5,6,0]] } }, // "Connect" instruction (words & picture) { type:"box", id:"connect_words", text:"networks_tutorial_connect", x:280, y:183, w:400, align:"center", color:"#ccc" }, { type:"box", id:"connect_pic", img:"sprites/tutorial_connect.png", x:330, y:150, w:300, h:100 }, // "Disconnect" instruction (words & picture) { type:"box", id:"disconnect_words", text:"networks_tutorial_disconnect", x:280, y:280, w:400, align:"center", color:"#ccc" }, { type:"box", id:"disconnect_pic", img:"sprites/tutorial_disconnect.png", x:327, y:245, w:300, h:100 }, // The bottom instructions & button (hidden at first) { type:"box", id:"end_words", text:"networks_tutorial_end", x:230, y:400, w:500, h:70, align:"center", hidden:true } ], // Logic to fade in/out words & stuff onupdate:function(slideshow, state){ // Count number of connections this & last time var sim = slideshow.simulations.sims[0]; var numConnections = sim.connections.length; if(state.lastConnections===undefined) state.lastConnections=numConnections; state.currConnections = numConnections; // SHOW/HIDE INSTRUCTIONS var boxes = slideshow.boxes; // If connections went UP, hide "connect" instructions if(state.currConnections > state.lastConnections){ state.canConnect = true; boxes.hideChildByID("connect_words"); boxes.hideChildByID("connect_pic"); } // If connections went DOWN, hide "connect" instructions if(state.currConnections < state.lastConnections){ state.canDisconnect = true; boxes.hideChildByID("disconnect_words"); boxes.hideChildByID("disconnect_pic"); } // If did both, show end if(state.canConnect && state.canDisconnect){ boxes.showChildByID("end_words"); //boxes.showChildByID("end_button"); } // update # of connections in state state.lastConnections = state.currConnections; } }, // PLAY AROUND: how the "threshold" model workds // diagonal { chapter: "Networks-Threshold", clear:true, add:[ // TEXT { type:"box", id:"networks_threshold", text:"networks_threshold", x:60, y:25, w:400 }, { type:"box", id:"networks_threshold_instruction", text:"networks_threshold_instruction", x:110, y:260, w:300, align:"center" }, { type:"box", id:"networks_threshold_explanation", text:"networks_threshold_explanation", x:105, y:340, w:400, align:"right", color:"#bbb", fontSize:"0.75em", lineHeight:"1.2em" }, { type:"box", id:"networks_threshold_end", text:"networks_threshold_end", x:60, y:430, w:400 }, // SIMULATION: THRESHOLD { type:"sim", x:420, y:70, fullscreen: true, network: { "contagion":0.5, "peeps":[[141,99,0],[444,373,1],[442,103,1],[144,371,0]], "connections":[[2,1,0],[3,2,0]] }, options:{ infectedFrame: 2, scale: 2 } } ] }, // pre-puzzle ramble { remove:[ { type:"box", id:"networks_threshold" }, { type:"box", id:"networks_threshold_instruction" }, { type:"box", id:"networks_threshold_explanation" }, { type:"box", id:"networks_threshold_end" } ], add:[ { type:"box", id:"networks_pre_puzzle", text:"networks_pre_puzzle", x:60, y:0, w:400, lineHeight:1.3 }, { type:"box", text:"optional_reading", x:60, y:220, w:400, h:30, fontSize:17, color:"#bbb" } ] }, // PUZZLE: The "Majority Illusion" puzzle { chapter: "Networks-Majority", clear:true, add:[ // The puzzle! { id:"puzzle", type:"sim", x:410, y:25, fullscreen: true, network: { "contagion":0.5, "peeps":[[106,106,1],[239,52,1],[376,110,1],[27,221,0],[54,365,0],[162,458,0],[308,467,0],[407,371,0],[453,241,0]], "connections":[], }, options:{ infectedFrame: 2, scale: 1.5 } }, // Done? Let's go... (hidden at first...) { type:"box", id:"networks_puzzle", text:"networks_puzzle", x:60, y:10, w:300 }, { type:"box", id:"networks_puzzle_metric", text:"networks_puzzle_metric", x:60, y:220, w:300 }, { type:"box", id:"networks_puzzle_end", text:"networks_puzzle_end", x:60, y:220, w:300, hidden:true } ], onstart:function(slideshow, state){ // Modify puzzle metric box var metric = slideshow.boxes.getChildByID("networks_puzzle_metric"); metric.innerHTML = ""; var COLOR = "hsl(50, 100%, 50%)"; // label var label = document.createElement("div"); metric.appendChild(label); label.style.color = COLOR; // bar var bar_container = document.createElement("div"); metric.appendChild(bar_container); bar_container.style.border = "2px solid "+COLOR; bar_container.style.width = "100%"; bar_container.style.height = "1em"; bar_container.style.position = "relative"; var bar = document.createElement("div"); bar_container.appendChild(bar); bar.style.background = COLOR; bar.style.height = "100%"; bar.style.position = "absolute"; // Save this cool DOM into state state.metric_label = label; state.metric_bar = bar; }, onupdate:function(slideshow, state){ // How many peeps? var sim = slideshow.simulations.sims[0]; var peepCount = 0; sim.peeps.forEach(function(peep){ if(peep.isPastThreshold) peepCount++; }); // Modify metric box! var label = getWords("networks_puzzle_metric") + " " + peepCount + " " + getWords("networks_puzzle_metric_2"); state.metric_label.innerHTML = label; state.metric_bar.style.width = Math.round((peepCount/9)*100)+"%"; // Win only if EVERYONE hits threshold if(!state.won){ if(peepCount==9){ var boxes = slideshow.boxes; state.won = true; boxes.hideChildByID("networks_puzzle_metric"); boxes.showChildByID("networks_puzzle_end"); sim.win(); } } } }, // post-puzzle ramble, introduce simple contagion { remove:[ { type:"box", id:"networks_puzzle" }, { type:"box", id:"networks_puzzle_metric" }, { type:"box", id:"networks_puzzle_end" } ], move:[ // shift sim to side {type:"sim", id:"puzzle", x:20} ], add:[ // new text { type:"box", id:"networks_post_puzzle", text:"networks_post_puzzle", x:560, y:0, w:400 }, /*{ type:"box", id:"networks_post_puzzle_bonus", text:"networks_post_puzzle_bonus", x:170, y:1000 // offscreen! },*/ ], /* onupdate:function(slideshow, state){ // How many peeps passed? var sim = slideshow.simulations.sims[0]; var peepCount = 0; sim.peeps.forEach(function(peep){ if(peep.numFriends>0 && !peep.isPastThreshold) peepCount++; }); // Win Bonus if(!state.won){ if(peepCount==9){ var winbox = slideshow.boxes.getChildByID("networks_post_puzzle_bonus"); if(winbox){ winbox.style.top = "270px"; state.won = true; } } } } */ } );