// Once you've finished your translation, // the website needs to "know" it exists! // This text file is how the website "knows". // // First, look up the language you're translating to on this page: // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes // // Then, at the bottom of this file, enter on a new line: // [two-letter code]: [native name of language] // For example: // en: English // de: Deutsch // zh: 中文 // ar: العربية // // (Note: if you paste the native name of a right-to-left language here, // it might show up as reversed here, but it'll show correctly on the website) // Also, make sure the .html file of your translation // uses the two-letter code, like "de.html", "ar.html", "zh.html" // // Thank you again so much! :) // Once you're done, send a Pull Request to the GitHub repo // so I can add your translation. Instructions are here: // https://github.com/ncase/crowds#how-to-translate-this-thing ///////////////////////////// // AVAILABLE TRANSLATIONS: // ///////////////////////////// en: English it: Italiano fr: Français