/************************* Giant "everything" class that handles all the misc UI: navigation, modal dialogues, audio, etc *************************/ function Navigation(){ var self = this; // Navigation buttons var nav_buttons = $all("#navigation > div"); nav_buttons.forEach(function(nav){ // Show label bubble (function(nav){ nav.onmouseover = function(){ _showBubble(nav); }; nav.onmouseout = function(){ _hideBubble(); }; })(nav); // If it's a chapter, when you click it, go to that chapter! var chapter = nav.getAttribute("chapter"); if(chapter){ (function(nav, chapter){ nav.onclick = function(){ slideshow.gotoChapter(chapter); }; })(nav, chapter); } }); subscribe("slideshow/goto/",function(chapterID){ nav_buttons.forEach(function(nav){ var chapter = nav.getAttribute("chapter"); if(chapter==chapterID){ nav.setAttribute("highlight", true); }else{ nav.removeAttribute("highlight"); } }); }); // Navigation label bubble var bubble = $("#nav_bubble"); var isShowingBubble = false; var _showBubble = function(nav){ var offset = nav.getBoundingClientRect().x - $("#navigation").getBoundingClientRect().x; var label = nav.querySelector("span:nth-child(2)").innerHTML; bubble.style.left = offset - (220/2) + (36/2); bubble.innerHTML = label; bubble.style.display = "block"; setTimeout(function(){ bubble.style.opacity = 1; bubble.style.top = -85; },1); isShowingBubble = true; }; var _hideBubble = function(){ isShowingBubble = false; bubble.style.opacity = 0; bubble.style.top = -80; }; var _countdown = 0; subscribe("update", function(){ if(isShowingBubble){ _countdown = 0.25; }else{ if(_countdown>0){ _countdown -= 1/60; }else{ bubble.style.display = "none"; } } }); }