function ConnectorCutter(config){ var self = this; self.config = config; self.sim = config.sim; // Connecting/Cutting self.connectFrom = null; self.connectTo = null; self.isCutting = false; self.cutTrail = []; // Update! self.state = 0; // 0-nothing | 1-connecting | 2-cutting self.update = function(){ var mouse = self.sim.mouse; // only if sim is NOT RUNNING if(!Simulations.IS_RUNNING){ // JUST CLICKED, and state=0... can either start connecting or cutting! if(mouse.justPressed && self.state===0){ // Clicked on a peep? var peepClicked = self.sim.getHoveredPeep(0); if(peepClicked){ self.state = 1; // START CONNECTING self.connectFrom = peepClicked; }else{ self.state = 2; // START ERASING } } // JUST RELEASED, and state!=0... can either stop connecting or cutting! if(mouse.justReleased && self.state!==0){ // End connect? if(self.state==1){ var peepReleased = self.sim.getHoveredPeep(20); if(peepReleased){ self.sim.addConnection(self.connectFrom, peepReleased); } } // back to normal self.state = 0; } }else{ self.state = 0; } // In "NORMAL" state... tell Pencil what frame to go to if(self.state==0){ if(!Simulations.IS_RUNNING){ var peepHovered = self.sim.getHoveredPeep(0); pencil.gotoFrame( peepHovered ? 1 : 0 ); }else{ pencil.gotoFrame(0); } } // In "CONNECTING" state... show where to connect to if(self.state==1){ // Connect to a nearby hovered peep? var peepHovered = self.sim.getHoveredPeep(20); if(peepHovered==self.connectFrom) peepHovered=null; // if same, nah self.connectTo = peepHovered ? peepHovered : mouse; // Pencil's always DARK pencil.gotoFrame(1); } // In "CUTTING" state... cut intersected lines! & add to trail if(self.state==2){ // Try cutting var line = [mouse.lastX, mouse.lastY, mouse.x, mouse.y]; self.sim.tryCuttingConnections(line); // Add to trail self.cutTrail.unshift([mouse.x,mouse.y]); // add to start if(self.cutTrail.length>10){ self.cutTrail.pop(); // remove from end } // Pencil's always RED pencil.gotoFrame(2); }else{ self.cutTrail.pop(); // oh, and if not cutting, pop from end anyway } }; // Draw self.draw = function(ctx){ ctx.lineJoin = "round"; ctx.lineCap = "round"; // Connecting! if(self.state==1){ var tempConnection = new Connection({ from:self.connectFrom, to:self.connectTo, sim:self.sim });; ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5; tempConnection.draw(ctx); ctx.restore(); } // Cutting! if(self.cutTrail.length>0){ ctx.strokeStyle = "#dd4040"; ctx.lineWidth = 2; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(self.cutTrail[0][0], self.cutTrail[0][1]); for(var i=1; i