// 0 - INTRODUCTION SLIDES.push( { chapter: "BB", clear:true, add:[ // Sim // DRAWING FOR SOFT CONSTRAINTS... { type:"sim", x:0, y:130, fullscreen: true, network: { "contagion":0.25, "peeps":[ [90,-67,1],[181,-71,0],[36,21,0],[107,98,0],[206,92,0],[244,6,0], [416,106,1],[352,181,0],[415,267,0],[528,268,0],[595,186,0],[532,107,0], [769,-68,1],[701,6,0],[753,96,0],[855,110,0],[928,35,0],[867,-59,0] ], "connections":[[13,12,0],[12,17,0],[16,15,0],[14,13,0],[13,16,0],[14,17,0],[17,15,0],[15,12,0],[12,16,0],[15,13,0],[17,16,0],[14,12,0],[13,17,0],[0,1,0],[2,5,0],[4,3,0],[15,14,0],[14,16,0]] }, options:{ infectedFrame: 3, scale: 1 } }, // UI for the simulation { type:"box", id:"ui", x:370, y:445, sim_ui:"blue" }, // Words { type:"box", text:"bonding_1", x:230, y:0+15, w:500, h:70, align:"center" }, // Words 2 { type:"box", text:"bonding_2", x:300, y:70+15, w:360, h:100, align:"center" }, // Words End { id:"end", type:"box", text:"bonding_end", x:660, y:290, w:300, h:250, hidden:true } ], onupdate:function(slideshow, state){ // If Peeps[6] to Peep[11] pass.. var sim = slideshow.simulations.sims[0]; var peepCount = 0; for(var i=6; i<=11; i++){ var peep = sim.peeps[i]; if(peep.infected) peepCount++; } // Win if(!state.ended){ if(peepCount==6){ var boxes = slideshow.boxes; boxes.showChildByID("end", true); state.ended = true; sim.win({ x:330+5, y:160-120+5, width:280, height:280 }); } } } }, { chapter: "BB-Bridge", clear:true, add:[ // Sim { type:"sim", x:-70, y:-30, fullscreen: true, network: { "contagion":0.25, "peeps":[[182,92,1],[300,106,0],[107,196,0],[151,300,0],[301,309,0],[354,213,0],[441,384,0],[500,290,0],[644,304,0],[691,422,0],[621,510,0],[491,488,0]], "connections":[[6,7,1],[7,8,1],[8,9,1],[9,10,1],[10,11,1],[11,6,1],[6,9,1],[9,11,1],[11,8,1],[8,10,1],[10,7,1],[7,9,1],[11,7,1],[6,10,1],[6,8,1],[0,1,1],[1,5,1],[5,4,1],[4,3,1],[2,3,1],[2,0,1],[3,1,1]] }, options:{ infectedFrame: 3, scale: 1, startUncuttable: true } }, // UI for the simulation { type:"box", id:"ui", x:95, y:390, sim_ui:"blue" }, // Words { type:"box", text:"bridging_1", x:340, y:30, w:620, h:120 }, // Words End { id:"end", type:"box", text:"bridging_end", x:660, y:180, w:300, h:360, hidden:true } ], onupdate:function(slideshow, state){ // If ALL infected... var sim = slideshow.simulations.sims[0]; var peepCount = 0; sim.peeps.forEach(function(peep){ if(peep.infected) peepCount++; }); // Win if(!state.ended){ if(peepCount==sim.peeps.length){ var boxes = slideshow.boxes; boxes.showChildByID("end", true); state.ended = true; sim.win(); } } } }, { chapter: "BB-Both", clear:true, add:[ // Sim // use a DRAWING to impose SOFT CONSTRAINTS { type:"sim", x:150, y:0, fullscreen: true, network: { "contagion":0.25, "peeps":[[485,50,1],[581,97,0],[389,101,0],[579,200,0],[399,193,0],[487,243,0],[290,312,0],[201,358,0],[196,446,0],[278,509,0],[381,374,0],[367,469,0],[596,370,0],[680,315,0],[778,354,0],[784,454,0],[700,506,0],[604,459,0]], "connections":[] }, options:{ infectedFrame: 3, scale: 1, startUncuttable: true } }, // UI for the simulation { type:"box", id:"ui", x:70, y:190, sim_ui:"blue" }, // Words { type:"box", text:"bb_1", x:0, y:10, w:350, h:170 }, // Words { id:"end", type:"box", text:"bb_2", x:0, y:310, w:300, h:230, //hidden: true } ], onupdate:function(slideshow, state){ // If ALL infected... var sim = slideshow.simulations.sims[0]; var peepCount = 0; sim.peeps.forEach(function(peep){ if(peep.infected) peepCount++; }); // Win if(!state.ended){ if(peepCount==sim.peeps.length){ var boxes = slideshow.boxes; boxes.showChildByID("end", true); state.ended = true; sim.win(); } } } }, );