/****************************************** THE SLIDESHOW - background: fullscreen iframe (so can draw everywhere) - foreground: words & pictures ******************************************/ var SLIDES = []; function Slideshow(){ var self = this; // The DOM & properties... self.dom = $("#slideshow"); self.slideIndex = 0; // GOTO and NEXT self.goto = function(index){ self.slideIndex = index; var slide = SLIDES[index]; // Clear DOM self.clear(); // Show simulations slide.sims = slide.sims || []; simulations.showSims(slide.sims); // Add boxes slide.boxes = slide.boxes || []; slide.boxes.forEach(function(box){ var boxDOM = document.createElement("div"); boxDOM.className = "word_box"; if(box.words) boxDOM.innerHTML = $("words#"+box.words).innerHTML; if(box.x) boxDOM.style.left = box.x; if(box.y) boxDOM.style.top = box.y; if(box.w) boxDOM.style.width = box.w; if(box.h) boxDOM.style.height = box.h; self.dom.appendChild(boxDOM); }); }; self.gotoChapter = function(chapterID){ var index = SLIDES.findIndex(function(slide){ return slide.chapter == chapterID; }); self.goto(index); }; self.next = function(){ self.goto(self.slideIndex+1); }; // Clear out the DOM self.clear = function(){ self.dom.innerHTML = ""; }; // Update self.update = function(){ }; }