////////////////// // HELPERS /////// ////////////////// Math.TAU = 6.2831853072; // The poor man's jQuery function $(query){ return document.querySelector(query); } function $all(query){ return document.querySelectorAll(query); } // Wide Sigmoid function sigmoid(x){ return x / (1 + Math.abs(x)); } // Create retina canvas function createCanvas(canvas, width, height){ // The "canvas" arg not provided? make a new one! if(arguments.length==2){ height = arguments[1]; width = arguments[0]; canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); } // Set difference in width & height canvas.width = width*2; canvas.height = height*2; canvas.style.width = width; canvas.style.height = height; return canvas; } // Copy an object function cloneObject(obj){ return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); } // Get words function getWords(wordsID){ return $("words#"+wordsID).innerHTML; }