///////////////////////////////////// // PARAMETERS /////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// let S,E,I,R; let params = {}; // Update Month Ticks! let mn = [...$('#month_names').children].map((dom)=>{ return dom.innerHTML; }); let updateMonthTicks = ()=>{ let ticks; switch(params.p_years){ case 0.5: ticks = [ mn[0]+" 2020", mn[1]+" 2020", mn[2]+" 2020", mn[3]+" 2020", mn[4]+" 2020", mn[5]+" 2020", null ]; break; case 1.0: ticks = [ mn[0]+" 2020", mn[3]+" 2020", mn[6]+" 2020", mn[9]+" 2020", null ]; break; default: ticks = []; for(let time=0; time<=params.p_years; time+=0.5){ if(time%1 != 0){ ticks.push(null); }else{ ticks.push(time+2020); } } ticks[ticks.length-1] = null; break; } let monthTicksDOM = $('#month_ticks'); monthTicksDOM.innerHTML = ''; ticks.forEach((tick,i)=>{ if(i==ticks.length-1 || !tick) return; let tickDOM = document.createElement('div'); let tickSpanDOM = document.createElement('span'); tickSpanDOM.innerHTML = tick; tickDOM.style.left = ((i/(ticks.length-1))*500)+"px"; tickDOM.appendChild(tickSpanDOM); monthTicksDOM.appendChild(tickDOM); }); } // Sliders //let DONT_RECORD_HISTORY = true; let _DO_NOT_RECURSE = true; let INPUTS_WERE_CHANGED = false; let yearsSlider = $('#p_years'); $all('.sim_input').forEach((slider)=>{ let id = slider.id; let label = $('#label_'+id); //let isRecordable = slider.classList.contains('recordable'); let onChange = ()=>{ // Change label & param let val = parseFloat(slider.value); if(label){ let digits = parseInt(label.getAttribute('toFixed')); label.innerHTML = digits ? val.toFixed(digits) : val; } params[id] = val; // Record history (@ this day) /* if(isRecordable){ if(!DONT_RECORD_HISTORY){ let lastRecordedEntry = recordedHistory[recordedHistory.length-1]; if(!lastRecordedEntry || id!=lastRecordedEntry[0] || Math.round(daysCurrent)!=lastRecordedEntry[2]){ // not same thing/time recordedHistory.push([id, val, Math.round(daysCurrent)]); } } } */ // Just to update other random crap if(!_DO_NOT_RECURSE){ _DO_NOT_RECURSE = true; updateModel(1, true); // one day _DO_NOT_RECURSE = false; } // HACK: If this is years, RESET SIM & CHANGE THE MONTHS if(slider==yearsSlider){ if(daysCurrent>0){ _resetTheSim(); _updateButtons(); } updateMonthTicks(); } // MORE HAX if(daysCurrent==0){ sbDOM.setAttribute('label','params'); } // HAX INPUTS_WERE_CHANGED = true; }; slider.oninput = onChange; onChange(); }); //DONT_RECORD_HISTORY = false; _DO_NOT_RECURSE = false; // Checkboxes $all('.sim_checkbox').forEach((checkbox)=>{ let id = checkbox.id; let label = $('#label_'+id); let onChange = ()=>{ if(label){ if(!checkbox.checked){ label.setAttribute("strikethrough","yes"); }else{ label.removeAttribute("strikethrough"); } } params[id] = checkbox.checked; }; checkbox.oninput = onChange; onChange(); }); ///////////////////////////////////// // (RE)START //////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// let IS_PLAYING = false; //let recordedHistory = []; //let IS_REPLAYING_HISTORY = false; let START_S = 0.999, START_E = 0.001, START_I = 0.001, START_R = 0.000; let restart = ()=>{ // Model S = START_S; E = START_E; I = START_I; R = START_R; // Drawing daysCurrent = 0; daysDrawn = 0; daysTotal = params.p_years*365; daysPerFrame = 0; // calc it on the fly let ctx = context; ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); // Force refresh DOM s_dom.oninput(); }; ///////////////////////////////////// // BIG & SMALL BUTTONS ////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// let bbDOM = $('.big_button'); let sbDOM = $('.small_button'); let handTutorial = 0; bbDOM.onclick = ()=>{ if(CURRENT_STAGE.SHOW_HAND=="tutorial_0"){ if(handTutorial==0){ hideHand(); handTutorial = 1; }else if(handTutorial==1){ hideHand(); }else if(handTutorial==2){ hideHand(); setTimeout(()=>{ showHand('end'); },1); handTutorial = 3; } } if(CURRENT_STAGE.SHOW_HAND=="tutorial_1"){ if(handTutorial==0){ hideHand(); handTutorial = 1; }else if(handTutorial==1){ hideHand(); handTutorial = 2; } } if(CURRENT_STAGE.SHOW_HAND=="tutorial_2"){ if(handTutorial==0){ hideHand(); handTutorial = 1; } } if(daysCurrent>daysTotal || params._HACK_RESET_WHEN_I_100=="go" || params._HACK_RESET_WHEN_R_100=="go"){ _resetTheSim(); params._HACK_RESET_WHEN_I_100 = undefined; params._HACK_RESET_WHEN_R_100 = undefined; if(CURRENT_STAGE.SHOW_HAND=="tutorial_0" && handTutorial<=1){ setTimeout(()=>{ showHand('params'); },1000); handTutorial = 2; } }else{ if(daysCurrent==0){ restart(); } IS_PLAYING = !IS_PLAYING; } _updateButtons(); }; let defaultParams = [ ["p_transmission", 4], ["p_exposed", 3], ["p_recovery", 10], ["p_waning", 1], ["p_hospital", 333], ["p_years", 2], ["p_speed", 30], ["p_non_s", 0], ["p_hygiene", 0], ["p_distancing", 0], ["p_isolate", 0], ["p_quarantine", 0], ["p_masks", 0], ["p_summer", 0], ]; sbDOM.onclick = ()=>{ if(daysCurrent==0){ changeSliders(defaultParams); changeSliders(CURRENT_STAGE.inputs); }else if(daysCurrent>daysTotal){ //_replayTheSim(); }else{ _resetTheSim(); } _updateButtons(); }; let _updateButtons = ()=>{ if(daysCurrent > daysTotal){ bbDOM.setAttribute('label','reset'); sbDOM.setAttribute('label',''); }else if(IS_PLAYING){ bbDOM.setAttribute('label','pause'); sbDOM.setAttribute('label','reset'); }else{ if(daysCurrent==0){ bbDOM.setAttribute('label','start'); sbDOM.setAttribute('label','NONE'); }else{ bbDOM.setAttribute('label','continue'); sbDOM.setAttribute('label','reset'); } } }; let hofp = $('#hide_on_first_playthrough'); let _showAllControls = ()=>{ let originalHeight = hofp.getBoundingClientRect().height; if(originalHeight>0) return; hofp.style.height = "auto"; hofp.style.position = "absolute"; hofp.style.top = "-1000px"; setTimeout(()=>{ let newHeight = hofp.getBoundingClientRect().height + 10; hofp.style.position = ""; hofp.style.top = ""; hofp.style.height = originalHeight+"px"; setTimeout(()=>{ hofp.style.marginTop = ""; hofp.style.height = newHeight+"px"; },20); },20); }; let _hideAllControls = ()=>{ hofp.style.height = "0px"; }; let _resetTheSim = ()=>{ _showAllControls(); //IS_REPLAYING_HISTORY = false; //recordedHistory = []; restart(); IS_PLAYING = false; }; /* let _replayTheSim = ()=>{ _hideAllControls(); //IS_REPLAYING_HISTORY = true; restart(); IS_PLAYING = true; }; */ ///////////////////////////////////// // THE HAND ///////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// let pointerDOM = $('#pointer'); let handDOM = $('#hand_container'); let wordsDOM = $('#pointer_words'); let HAND_IS_VISIBLE = false; let showHand = (position)=>{ HAND_IS_VISIBLE = true; pointerDOM.style.display = 'block'; $all('span',pointerDOM).forEach((span)=>{ span.style.display = 'none'; }); switch(position){ case 'start': handDOM.style.top = '111px'; handDOM.style.left = '98px'; break; case 'params': case 'params2': handDOM.style.top = '100px'; handDOM.style.left = '280px'; handDOM.style.transform = 'rotate(270deg)'; wordsDOM.style.top = '117px'; wordsDOM.style.left = '377px'; wordsDOM.style.textAlign = 'left'; $('#pointer_params').style.display = 'inline'; $('#pointer_params_2').style.display = (position=='params2') ? 'inline' : 'none'; break; case 'end': handDOM.style.top = '445px'; handDOM.style.left = '101px'; handDOM.style.transform = 'rotate(180deg) scaleX(-1)'; wordsDOM.style.top = '363px'; wordsDOM.style.left = '17px'; wordsDOM.style.textAlign = 'center'; $('#pointer_scroll').style.display = 'inline'; break; case 'recording': handDOM.style.top = '300px'; handDOM.style.left = '280px'; handDOM.style.transform = 'rotate(270deg)'; wordsDOM.style.top = '317px'; wordsDOM.style.left = '377px'; wordsDOM.style.textAlign = 'left'; $('#pointer_replay').style.display = 'inline'; break; } }; let hideHand = ()=>{ HAND_IS_VISIBLE = false; pointerDOM.style.display = 'none'; };