On average, each ...

Infects 1 per N days
(at the start of the epidemic)
Takes N days to go from to
Becomes in N days
Loses immunity in N years

R0 is
% of people who are NOT

Increased Hygiene

Physical Distancing

Isolating Cases

Quarantining Contacts

Face Masks



R is now ICU capacity at N%

Simulate N years

in N seconds
▶ Start
❙❙ Pause
▶ Continue
↺ Reset
↺ Reset
↺ Replay what you just did
↺ Reset all sliders
- - - Herd Immunity
––– ICU Capacity
Try re-running the simulation with different numbers! (note: you can change the numbers while the sim is running) Once you're done playing around, scroll down to keep reading!
jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec