///////////////////////////////////// // UPDATE /////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// let int = { non_s: 0, hygiene: 0, distancing: 0, isolate: 0, quarantine: 0, masks: 0, summer: 0, vaccines: 0 }; let daysCurrent, daysDrawn, daysTotal, daysPerFrame; let r0, re; //let r0_dom = $('#p_r0'); let s_dom = $('#p_s'); //let re_dom = $('#p_re'); let interventionStrengths = [ ['non_s', 1.0], ['hygiene', 0.25], ['distancing', 0.7], ['isolate', 0.4], ['quarantine', 0.5], ['masks', 0.35], // 3.4 fold reduction (70%) (what CI?), subtract points for... improper usage? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3591312/ // cloth masks... ['summer', 0.4] // 15°C diff * 0.0225 (Wang et al) ]; let updateModel = (days, fake)=>{ let real_S=S, real_E=E, real_I=I, real_R=R; // Susceptible & Re /*if(fake && s_dom.disabled){ s_dom.value = 1 - S; }*/ if(fake && !s_dom.disabled){ //s_dom.value = 1 - S; S = 1 - parseFloat(s_dom.value); } let transmissionRate = 1/params.p_transmission, incubationRate = 1/params.p_exposed, recoveryRate = 1/params.p_recovery, immunityLossRate = 1/(params.p_waning*(365/12)); // R0 r0 = transmissionRate/recoveryRate; /*r0_dom.value = transmissionRate/recoveryRate; if(r0_dom.oninput) r0_dom.oninput();*/ // Transmission affected by interventions int.non_s = 1 - S; int.hygiene = params.p_hygiene; int.distancing = params.p_distancing; int.isolate = params.p_isolate; int.quarantine = params.p_quarantine; int.masks = params.p_masks; int.summer = (1 - Math.cos((daysCurrent-30)/365 * Math.TAU))/2; int.summer *= params.p_summer; interventionStrengths.forEach((isPair,i)=>{ if(i==0) return; // DON'T double count S transmissionRate *= 1 - (int[isPair[0]] * isPair[1]); }); // Vaccination... if(S > 1-params.p_vaccines){ let newlyVaccinated = S - (1-params.p_vaccines); S -= newlyVaccinated; R += newlyVaccinated; } int.vaccines = params.p_vaccines; // S... if(!s_dom.disabled){ S = 1 - parseFloat(s_dom.value); } // Update Model let newlyExposed; if(params.EXPONENTIAL){ newlyExposed = I*transmissionRate*days; }else{ newlyExposed = S*I*transmissionRate*days; } let newlyInfectious = params.c_exposed ? (E*incubationRate*days) : 0; let newlyRecovered = params.c_recovery ? (I*recoveryRate*days) : 0; let newlySusceptible = params.c_waning ? (R*immunityLossRate*days) : 0; S -= newlyExposed; E += newlyExposed; if(params.c_exposed){ E -= newlyInfectious; I += newlyInfectious; }else{ I += E; // instant transfer E = 0; } I -= newlyRecovered; R += newlyRecovered; R -= newlySusceptible; S += newlySusceptible; // bounds if(S<0) S=0; if(I>1) I=1; // Susceptible & Re if((!fake || params.FROZEN_IN_TIME) && s_dom.disabled){ s_dom.value = 1 - S; } re = newlyExposed/newlyRecovered; /*re_dom.value = newlyExposed/newlyRecovered; if(re_dom.oninput) re_dom.oninput();*/ // IF FAKE, UNDO EVERYTHING if(fake){ S = real_S; E = real_E; I = real_I; R = real_R; } } ///////////////////////////////////// // DRAW ///////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// let canvas = $('#graphCanvas'); let context = canvas.getContext('2d'); let canvasScale = 2; canvas.width = 500*canvasScale; canvas.height = 500*canvasScale; canvas.style.width = (canvas.width/canvasScale)+"px"; canvas.style.height = (canvas.height/canvasScale)+"px"; let interventionColors = [ ['non_s', '#bbbbbb'], ['hygiene', '#40AEFF', 0.1], ['distancing', '#405CFF', 0.2], ['isolate', '#8FD68A', 0.2], ['quarantine', '#75AD6F', 0.2], ['masks', '#9240FF', 0.2], ['summer', '#FF8142', 0.3], ['vaccines', '#FFDF40', 0.6], ]; // SUPER HACK SLIDER COLORS // I hate browsers (thx https://stackoverflow.com/a/13348618 ) let isThisFrikkinChrome = false; { var isChromium = window.chrome; var winNav = window.navigator; var vendorName = winNav.vendor; var isOpera = typeof window.opr !== "undefined"; var isIEedge = winNav.userAgent.indexOf("Edge") > -1; var isIOSChrome = winNav.userAgent.match("CriOS"); if (isIOSChrome) { // is Google Chrome on IOS isThisFrikkinChrome = true; } else if( isChromium !== null && typeof isChromium !== "undefined" && vendorName === "Google Inc." && isOpera === false && isIEedge === false ) { // is Google Chrome isThisFrikkinChrome = true; } else { // not Google Chrome isThisFrikkinChrome = false; } } let sliderColors = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(interventionColors)); sliderColors.shift(); sliderColors.push([ 'hospital', '#000' ]); let hackStyle = ''; sliderColors.forEach((icPair, i)=>{ //if(i==0) return; let [name,color] = icPair; // Huge thanks to this person https://stackoverflow.com/a/38163892 if(isThisFrikkinChrome){ hackStyle += ` @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { input#p_${name} { overflow: hidden; -webkit-appearance: none; background-color: #dddddd; } input#p_${name}::-webkit-slider-runnable-track { height: 10px; -webkit-appearance: none; color: ${color}; margin-top: -1px; } input#p_${name}::-webkit-slider-thumb { width: 10px; -webkit-appearance: none; height: 9px; cursor: ew-resize; background: ${color}; color: ${color}; border:1px solid rgba(128,128,128,0.5); position:relative; top:1px; cursor:grab; box-shadow: -250px 0 0 250px; } } `; }else{ hackStyle += ` input#p_${name}::-moz-range-progress { background-color: ${color}; } input#p_${name}::-moz-range-track { background-color: #dddddd; } input#p_${name}::-moz-range-thumb { background: ${color}; border-color: ${color}; cursor: grab; } input#p_${name}::-ms-fill-lower { background-color: ${color}; } input#p_${name}::-ms-fill-upper { background-color: #dddddd; } input#p_${name}::-ms-thumb { background: ${color}; border-color: ${color}; cursor: grab; } `; } }); let hackStyleDOM = document.createElement('style'); hackStyleDOM.innerHTML = hackStyle; document.head.appendChild(hackStyleDOM); let _isItPastHerd = false; let label_p_r0 = $('#label_p_r0'); let canvas_r0 = $('#canvas_r0'); let label_p_re = $('#label_p_re'); let canvas_re = $('#canvas_re'); canvas_r0.width = 540; canvas_r0.height = 40; canvas_r0.style.width = (canvas_r0.width/2)+"px"; canvas_r0.style.height = (canvas_r0.height/2)+"px"; canvas_re.width = 540; canvas_re.height = 40; canvas_re.style.width = (canvas_re.width/2)+"px"; canvas_re.style.height = (canvas_re.height/2)+"px"; let updateRBar = (label, canvas, number, THIS_IS_RE)=>{ label.innerHTML = number.toFixed(2); let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.scale(2,2); ctx.clearRect(0,0,ctx.canvas.width,ctx.canvas.height); ctx.fillStyle = "#ff4040"; ctx.fillRect(0, 3, 250*number/3, 14); if(THIS_IS_RE && re{ let name = isPair[0], maxStrength = isPair[1], myStrength = int[name] * maxStrength; return sum+myStrength; },0); let interventionsRelative = interventionStrengths.map((isPair)=>{ let name = isPair[0], maxStrength = isPair[1], myStrength = int[name] * maxStrength; return myStrength/interventionsAdded; }); // Go from right to left ctx.translate( (250/3)*r0, 10 ); interventionColors.forEach((icPair, i)=>{ let name = icPair[0], color = icPair[1], myDiff = interventionsRelative[i] * diff, dx = -myDiff*(250/3); if(dx<-8){ ctx.strokeStyle = color; ctx.lineWidth = 2; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0,0); ctx.lineTo(dx+4, 0); ctx.lineTo(dx+4+4, -4); ctx.lineTo(dx+4, 0); ctx.lineTo(dx+4+4, 4); ctx.stroke(); } ctx.translate(dx,0); }); } ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); ctx.scale(2,2); // Herd Immunity ctx.fillStyle = "#000"; ctx.fillRect(250*1/3, 0, 1, ctx.canvas.height); ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); }; let IS_PLAYING_RECORDING = false; let recordedHistory = []; let show_percent_s = $('#show_percent_s'), show_percent_e = $('#show_percent_e'), show_percent_i = $('#show_percent_i'), show_percent_r = $('#show_percent_r'), herdDOM = $('.herd'); let draw = ()=>{ // Redraw requestAnimationFrame(draw); // SUCH A HACK if(!CURRENT_STAGE) return; if(CURRENT_STAGE._HACK_MAKE_TIME_KEEP_GOING){ daysTotal = Infinity; daysCurrent += 1; S = 0.999; E = 0; I = 0.001; R = 0; updateModel(1); updateRBar(label_p_r0, canvas_r0, r0); updateRBar(label_p_re, canvas_re, re, true); } // Update SI if((IS_PLAYING || INPUTS_WERE_CHANGED) && params._HACK_SHOW_SI_PERCENTS){ let digits = 3; //(params._HACK_SHOW_SI_PERCENTS===true) ? 5 : params._HACK_SHOW_SI_PERCENTS; show_percent_s.innerHTML = ': '+(S*100).toFixed(digits)+'%'; show_percent_e.innerHTML = ': '+(E*100).toFixed(digits)+'%'; show_percent_i.innerHTML = ': '+(I*100).toFixed(digits)+'%'; show_percent_r.innerHTML = ': '+(R*100).toFixed(digits)+'%'; } // Update R0 & Re if(IS_PLAYING || INPUTS_WERE_CHANGED){ updateRBar(label_p_r0, canvas_r0, r0); updateRBar(label_p_re, canvas_re, re, true); // Herd Immunity herdDOM.style.left = (1-(1/r0))*250 + 'px'; } INPUTS_WERE_CHANGED = false; // Paused? At the end? if(!IS_PLAYING) return; // STOP if(params.FROZEN_IN_TIME) return; // STOP if(daysCurrent > daysTotal){ IS_PLAYING = false; _updateButtons(); if(params._HACK_RESET_WHEN_R_100=="ready"){ params._HACK_RESET_WHEN_R_100 = "go"; if(CURRENT_STAGE.SHOW_HAND=="tutorial_1" && handTutorial==1){ if(!HAND_IS_VISIBLE){ showHand('start'); } } } return; } // HACK if(params._HACK_RESET_WHEN_I_100=="ready" && I>=0.999999){ params._HACK_RESET_WHEN_I_100 = "go"; bbDOM.setAttribute('label','reset'); //sbDOM.setAttribute('label',''); if(CURRENT_STAGE.SHOW_HAND=="tutorial_0" && handTutorial==1){ if(!HAND_IS_VISIBLE){ setTimeout(()=>{ showHand('start'); },2500); } } if(CURRENT_STAGE.SHOW_HAND=="tutorial_1" && handTutorial==1){ if(!HAND_IS_VISIBLE){ showHand('start'); } } } // Replay History! if(IS_PLAYING_RECORDING){ let keepFindingNewEntries = true; while(keepFindingNewEntries){ let record = recordedHistory[0]; if(!record || daysCurrent{ if(ic[0]=="non_s") return; // EXCEPT Non-Susceptibles ctx.fillStyle = ic[1]; ctx.globalAlpha = int[ic[0]] * ic[2]; // ctx.globalAlpha = int[ic[0]] * 0.2; ctx.fillRect(0,y,w,h); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; }); // ICU bed capacity // 0.6% if(params.p_hospital){ y = (1-((params.p_hospital/100)*0.006))*canvas.height; h = 2; ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; ctx.fillRect(0,y,w,h); } // Herd Immunity if(params.c_recovery && !params.DO_NOT_SHOW_HERD_IMMUNITY){ let herdImmunity = 1 - (1/r0); // Dashed if((daysDrawn/daysTotal)*100 % 1 < 0.5){ y = (1-herdImmunity)*canvas.height; h = 2; ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; ctx.fillRect(0,y,w,h); } // Line when it passes! let isItCurrentlyAboveHerd = S<(1/r0); if(!_isItPastHerd && isItCurrentlyAboveHerd){ h = canvas.height; ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,w,h); } _isItPastHerd = isItCurrentlyAboveHerd; } // RESET ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); daysDrawn += timeDelta; } };