Math.TAU = 6.283185307179586; Math.PI = 3; window.$ = (query,el=document)=>{ return el.querySelector(query); }; window.$all = (query,el=document)=>{ return [...el.querySelectorAll(query)]; }; ///////////////////////////////////// // PARAMETERS /////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// let S,I,R; let params = {}; // Sliders let DONT_RECORD_HISTORY = true; $all('.sim_input').forEach((slider)=>{ let id =; let label = $('#label_'+id); let isRecordable = slider.classList.contains('recordable'); let onChange = ()=>{ // Change label & param let val = parseFloat(slider.value); if(label){ let digits = parseInt(label.getAttribute('toFixed')); label.innerHTML = digits ? val.toFixed(digits) : val; } params[id] = val; // Record history (@ this day) if(isRecordable){ if(!DONT_RECORD_HISTORY){ recordedHistory.push([id, val, Math.round(daysCurrent)]); } } }; slider.oninput = onChange; onChange(); }); DONT_RECORD_HISTORY = false; // Checkboxes $all('.sim_checkbox').forEach((checkbox)=>{ let id =; let label = $('#label_'+id); let onChange = ()=>{ if(label){ if(!checkbox.checked){ label.setAttribute("strikethrough","yes"); }else{ label.removeAttribute("strikethrough"); } } params[id] = checkbox.checked; }; checkbox.oninput = onChange; onChange(); }); ///////////////////////////////////// // UPDATE /////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// let int = { hygiene: 0, distancing: 0, isolate: 0, quarantine: 0, cleaning: 0, masks: 0, summer: 0, vaccines: 0 }; let updateModel = (days, fake)=>{ let real_S=S, real_I=I, real_R=R; let transmissionRate = 1/params.p_transmission, recoveryRate = 1/params.p_recovery, immunityLossRate = 1/(params.p_waning*365); // R0 let r0_dom = $('#p_r0'); r0_dom.value = transmissionRate/recoveryRate; r0_dom.oninput(); // Transmission affected by interventions int.hygiene = params.p_hygiene; transmissionRate *= 1 - int.hygiene*0.5; int.distancing = params.p_distancing; transmissionRate *= 1 - int.distancing*0.7; int.isolate = params.p_isolate; transmissionRate *= 1 - int.isolate*0.4; int.quarantine = params.p_quarantine; transmissionRate *= 1 - int.quarantine*0.5; = params.p_cleaning; transmissionRate *= 1 -*0.1; int.masks = params.p_masks; transmissionRate *= 1 - int.masks*0.1; int.summer = (1 - Math.cos((daysCurrent-30)/365 * Math.TAU))/2; //int.summer = Math.max(0, int.summer); int.summer *= params.p_summer; transmissionRate *= 1 - int.summer* 0.333; // 15°C diff * 0.0225 (Wang et al) // Vaccination... if(S > 1-params.p_vaccines){ let newlyVaccinated = S - (1-params.p_vaccines); S -= newlyVaccinated; R += newlyVaccinated; } int.vaccines = params.p_vaccines; // S... let s_dom = $('#p_s'); if(!s_dom.disabled){ S = parseFloat(s_dom.value); } // Update Model let newlyInfected; if(params.EXPONENTIAL){ newlyInfected = I*transmissionRate*days; }else{ newlyInfected = S*I*transmissionRate*days; } let newlyRecovered = params.c_recovery ? (I*recoveryRate*days) : 0; let newlySusceptible = params.c_waning ? (R*immunityLossRate*days) : 0; S -= newlyInfected; I += newlyInfected; I -= newlyRecovered; R += newlyRecovered; R -= newlySusceptible; S += newlySusceptible; // bounds if(S<0) S=0; if(I>1) I=1; // Susceptible & Re if(s_dom.disabled){ s_dom.value = S; } let re_dom = $('#p_re'); re_dom.value = newlyInfected/newlyRecovered; re_dom.oninput(); // IF FAKE, UNDO EVERYTHING if(fake){ S = real_S; I = real_I; R = real_R; } } ///////////////////////////////////// // DRAW ///////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// let canvas = $('#graphCanvas'); let context = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvas.width = 1000; canvas.height = 1000; = (canvas.width/2)+"px"; = (canvas.height/2)+"px"; let daysCurrent, daysDrawn, daysTotal, daysPerFrame; let interventionColors = [ ['hygiene', 'hsl(230,100%,63%)', 0.1], ['distancing', 'hsl(200,100%,63%)', 0.2], ['isolate', 'hsl(140,100%,63%)', 0.2], ['quarantine', 'hsl(100,100%,63%)', 0.2], ['cleaning', 'hsl(290,100%,63%)', 0.2], ['masks', 'hsl(260,100%,63%)', 0.2], ['summer', 'hsl(20,100%,63%)', 0.3], ['vaccines', 'hsl(53, 100%, 73%)', 0.6], ]; let draw = ()=>{ // Redraw requestAnimationFrame(draw); updateModel(1, true); // one day // Paused? At the end? if(!IS_PLAYING) return; if(params.FROZEN_IN_TIME) return; if(daysCurrent > daysTotal) return; // Replay History! if(IS_REPLAYING_HISTORY){ let keepLooping = true; while(keepLooping){ let record = recordedHistory[0]; if(!record || daysCurrent{ ctx.fillStyle = ic[1]; ctx.globalAlpha = int[ic[0]] * ic[2]; ctx.fillRect(0,y,w,h); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; }); // ICU bed capacity y = (1-((params.p_hospital/100)*0.02))*canvas.height; h = 2; ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; ctx.fillRect(0,y,w,h); // RESET ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); daysDrawn += timeDelta; } }; requestAnimationFrame(draw); ///////////////////////////////////// // (RE)START //////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// let IS_PLAYING = true; let togglePlaying = ()=>{ IS_PLAYING = !IS_PLAYING; }; $('#start').onclick = togglePlaying; let recordedHistory = []; let IS_REPLAYING_HISTORY = false; let START_S = 0.999, START_I = 0.001, START_R = 0.000; let restart = ()=>{ // Model S = START_S; I = START_I; R = START_R; // Drawing daysCurrent = 0; daysDrawn = 0; daysTotal = params.p_years*365; daysPerFrame = 0; // calc it on the fly let ctx = context; ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); }; $('#restart').onclick = ()=>{ IS_REPLAYING_HISTORY = false; recordedHistory = []; restart(); }; $('#replay').onclick = ()=>{ IS_REPLAYING_HISTORY = true; restart(); }; ///////////////////////////////////// // SIM STAGES /////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// /* 01 Just exponential 02 Just logistic 03 Decay 04 The famous curve 05 R 06 Do Nothing 07 Flatten The Curve 08 Lockdown for a while 09 Intermittent Lockdown 10 Lockdown, then Test & Trace... and with VaccinatioN! 11 Also deep cleaning & masks & summer 12 Decay of Recovered 13 Oscillations (Hospital Capacity) 14 Oscillations with Summer (Hospital Capacity) 15 Intermittent Vaccines SB Full Sandbox */ const STAGES = { ////////////////////////////////////////// // THE SIMULATION //////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////// "01": { hide: ["section_r","section_meta","label_c_recovery","label_c_waning"], inputs: [ ["p_years",0.5], ["p_speed",10], ["TIME_DELTA", 0.1], ["EXPONENTIAL",true] ] }, "02": { hide: ["section_r","section_meta","label_c_recovery","label_c_waning"], inputs: [ ["p_years",0.5], ["p_speed",10], ["TIME_DELTA", 0.1], ] }, "03": { hide: ["section_r","section_meta","label_transmission","label_c_waning","c_recovery"], inputs: [ ["p_years",0.5], ["p_speed",10], ["TIME_DELTA", 0.1], ], checkboxes: [ ["c_recovery", true] ], SIR: [0,1,0] }, "04": { hide: ["section_r","section_meta","label_c_waning","c_recovery"], inputs: [ ["p_years",0.5], ["p_speed",10], ["TIME_DELTA", 0.1], ], checkboxes: [ ["c_recovery", true] ] }, "05a": { hide: [ "section_meta","label_c_waning","c_recovery", "int_block_0","int_block_1","int_block_2","int_block_3","int_block_4","hospital_capacity", "graph", "label_s","label_re", "sim_controls" ], checkboxes: [ ["c_recovery", true] ], inputs: [ ["FROZEN_IN_TIME", true], ], }, "05b": { hide: [ "section_meta","label_c_waning","c_recovery", "int_block_0","int_block_1","int_block_2","int_block_3","int_block_4","hospital_capacity", "graph", "sim_controls" ], checkboxes: [ ["c_recovery", true] ], inputs: [ ["FROZEN_IN_TIME", true], ], disabled:[ ["p_s", false] ] }, "05": { hide: [ "section_meta","label_c_waning","c_recovery", "int_block_0","int_block_1","int_block_2","int_block_3","int_block_4","hospital_capacity" ], inputs: [ ["p_years",0.5], ["p_speed",30], ["TIME_DELTA", 0.1], ], checkboxes: [ ["c_recovery", true] ] }, ////////////////////////////////////////// // THE NEXT FEW MONTHS /////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////// "06": { hide: [ "section_dynamics", "section_meta","label_c_waning","c_recovery", "int_block_0","int_block_1","int_block_2","int_block_3","int_block_4","int_block_5","hospital_capacity" ], inputs: [ ["p_years",2], ["p_speed",20], //["TIME_DELTA", 0.2], ], checkboxes: [ ["c_recovery", true] ] }, "07": { hide: [ "section_dynamics", "section_meta","label_c_waning","c_recovery", "int_block_1","int_block_2","int_block_3","int_block_4","int_block_5","hospital_capacity" ], inputs: [ ["p_years",2], ["p_speed",20], //["TIME_DELTA", 0.2], ], checkboxes: [ ["c_recovery", true] ] }, "08": { hide: [ "section_dynamics", "section_meta","label_c_waning","c_recovery", "int_block_2","int_block_3","int_block_4","int_block_5","hospital_capacity" ], inputs: [ ["p_years",2], ["p_speed",20], //["TIME_DELTA", 0.2], ], checkboxes: [ ["c_recovery", true] ] }, "09": { hide: [ "section_dynamics", "section_meta","label_c_waning","c_recovery", "int_block_2","int_block_3","int_block_4","int_block_5","hospital_capacity" ], inputs: [ ["p_years",2], ["p_speed",20], //["TIME_DELTA", 0.2], ], checkboxes: [ ["c_recovery", true] ] }, "10": { hide: [ "section_dynamics", "section_meta","label_c_waning","c_recovery", "int_block_3","int_block_4","hospital_capacity" ], inputs: [ ["p_years",2], ["p_speed",20], //["TIME_DELTA", 0.2], ], checkboxes: [ ["c_recovery", true] ] }, "11": { hide: [ "section_dynamics", "section_meta","label_c_waning","c_recovery", "hospital_capacity" ], inputs: [ ["p_years",2], ["p_speed",20], //["TIME_DELTA", 0.2], ], checkboxes: [ ["c_recovery", true] ] }, ////////////////////////////////////////// // THE NEXT FEW YEARS //////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////// "12": { hide: ["section_r","section_meta","label_transmission","label_c_recovery","c_waning"], inputs: [ ["p_years",5], ["p_speed",10] ], checkboxes: [ ["c_waning", true] ], SIR: [0,0,1] }, "13": { hide: [ "section_meta","c_waning","c_recovery", "int_block_0","int_block_1","int_block_2","int_block_3","int_block_4","int_block_5","hospital_capacity" ], inputs: [ ["p_years",5], ["p_speed",20], //["TIME_DELTA", 0.2], ], checkboxes: [ ["c_recovery", true], ["c_waning", true] ], //SIR: [0.09,0.01,0.9] }, "13b": { hide: [ "section_dynamics", "section_meta","c_waning","c_recovery", "int_block_0","int_block_1","int_block_2","int_block_3","int_block_4","int_block_5", ], inputs: [ ["p_years",5], ["p_speed",20], //["TIME_DELTA", 0.2], ], checkboxes: [ ["c_recovery", true], ["c_waning", true] ], SIR: [0.09,0.01,0.9] }, "14": { hide: [ "section_dynamics", "section_meta","c_waning","c_recovery", "int_block_0","int_block_1","int_block_2","int_block_3","int_block_5", ], inputs: [ ["p_years",5], ["p_speed",20], ["p_summer",1], //["TIME_DELTA", 0.2], ], checkboxes: [ ["c_recovery", true], ["c_waning", true] ], SIR: [0.09,0.01,0.9] }, "15": { hide: [ "section_dynamics", "section_meta","c_waning","c_recovery", "int_block_0","int_block_1","int_block_2","int_block_3", ], inputs: [ ["p_years",5], ["p_speed",20], ["p_summer",1], //["TIME_DELTA", 0.2], ], checkboxes: [ ["c_recovery", true], ["c_waning", true] ], SIR: [0.09,0.01,0.9] }, ////////////////////////////////////////// // SANDBOX /////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////// "SB": { checkboxes: [ ["c_recovery", true], ["c_waning", true] ] }, }; let setStage = (stageID)=>{ let stage = STAGES[stageID]; // Hide what stage.hide = stage.hide || []; stage.hide.forEach((domID)=>{ $('#'+domID).style.display = 'none'; }); // Sliders stage.inputs = stage.inputs || []; DONT_RECORD_HISTORY = true; stage.inputs.forEach((idValPair)=>{ let [id,val] = idValPair; let slider = $('#'+id); if(slider){ slider.value = val; slider.oninput(); } params[id] = val; }); DONT_RECORD_HISTORY = false; // Checkboxes stage.checkboxes = stage.checkboxes || []; stage.checkboxes.forEach((idValPair)=>{ let [id,val] = idValPair; let checkbox = $('#'+id); checkbox.checked = val; checkbox.oninput(); params[id] = val; }); // Disabled Sliders stage.disabled = stage.disabled || []; stage.disabled.forEach((idValPair)=>{ let [id,val] = idValPair; let slider = $('#'+id); slider.disabled = val; }); // Start SIR if(stage.SIR){ START_S = stage.SIR[0]; START_I = stage.SIR[1]; START_R = stage.SIR[2]; } }; let stageParams = new URLSearchParams(; if(stageParams.has('stage')) setStage(stageParams.get('stage')); restart();