# act3 ``` SceneSetup.act3(); Game.WORDS_HEIGHT_BOTTOM = 205; sfx("cheers"); ``` r: Cheers! ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",1]); publish("act3",["roofhong",1]); sfx("drinking"); ``` (...4001) ``` publish("act3-alpha", ["dizzyhunter",1]); publish("act3-alpha", ["dizzyhong",1]); publish("act3",["roofhunter",3]); publish("act3",["roofhong",3]); ``` h2: *Ah* that hits the spot. ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",2]); publish("act3",["roofhong",2]); ``` r: You know, kid... ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",3]); publish("act3",["roofhong",6]); ``` h2: Specifically, the spots hit are my left and right amygdala. ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",8]); publish("act3",["roofhong",5]); ``` r: You remind me of myself when I was younger. Back when I was tormented by the animal in my head. ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",2]); publish("act3",["roofhong",2]); ``` r: Hey, quick question: truth or da-- ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",3]); publish("act3",["roofhong",7]); publish("act3-alpha", ["dizzyhong",0]); ``` h2: DARE! ``` publish("act3-alpha", ["dizzyhong",1]); publish("act3",["roofhunter",10]); publish("act3",["roofhong",2]); ``` r: Haha! Good. ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",21]); publish("act3",["roofhong",4]); ``` r: Ok. You see that baby-blue swimming pool down there? ``` publish("act3-alpha", ["dizzyhong",0]); publish("act3",["roofhunter",11]); publish("act3",["roofhong",9]); ``` h2: Yeah? Six floors down? ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",10]); publish("act3",["roofhong",8]); ``` r: Jump in. ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",11]); publish("act3",["roofhong",10]); ``` h2: ... ``` publish("act3",["roofhong",11]); ``` h2: Wait, what? ``` publish("act3",["roofhong",10]); publish("act3",["roofhunter",2]); ``` r: The animal's started whining, hasn't it? ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",23]); ``` r: *Oh nooooo it's dangerous, don't do iiiiit.* ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",22]); ``` r: But that's exactly why we need death-defying thrills! Party hard! Carpe diem! Snort coke off a hooker's ass, #YOLO! ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",10]); ``` r: Let's show that animal we don't give two *dicks* about its bitching! Jump in. ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",11]); publish("act3",["roofhong",13]); ``` h2: Uh, but sometimes, um... fear has a point... ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",5]); publish("act3",["roofhong",12]); music(null, {fade:2}); ``` r: ... ``` publish("act3-alpha", ["dizzyhunter",0]); publish("act3",["roofhunter",6]); publish("act3",["dd",1]); ``` r: I'm sorry, did you fall for that McMindfulness fad that claims feeling bad is *good?* ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",17]); ``` r: Pleasure is the opposite of pain. There-fucking-fore, you can use pleasure to fight pain! ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",18]); ``` r: How do those Silicon Valley pseudo-Buddhists not see this shit?! ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",6]); ``` r: Kid, I know that *you* know that animal *hurts* people like us. It *tortures* people like us. ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",19]); ``` r: It's not our friend. It's a rabid beast, which either needs to be *tranquilized*, ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",20]); ``` r: Or have a *bullet put in its fucking skull*. ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",27]); ``` r: Otherwise, you're going to let it win. ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",31]); publish("act3",["roofhong",14]); publish("act3",["dd",2]); ``` h2: No. You're wrong. ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",13]); publish("act3",["roofhong",15]); music('battle_dark', {volume:1.0}, function(){ music('battle_dark_loop'); }); ``` h2: I'm not going to let it win. ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",25]); publish("act3-alpha", ["roofhong",0]); publish("act3-alpha", ["transition",1]); publish("act3",["dd",6]); ``` r: Fuck yeah! I believe in you, babe! Kill it! <3 (#act3a) # act3a ``` Game.clearText(); publish("act3-out"); Game.WORDS_HEIGHT_BOTTOM = -1; /* reset */ _.act3_bb_body = 1; ``` (...1500) ``` publish("hp_show"); ``` b: no no no no no no n: THIS CHAPTER HAS TWO POSSIBLE ENDINGS. ONE IS *VERY, VERY BAD.* b: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO n: CHOOSE WISELY. PROTECT YOUR HUMAN `bb({ eyes:"oh_crap", mouth:"normal_talk", MOUTH_LOCK:true });` b: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA `bb({ mouth:"normal" });` n: GOOD LUCK ``` Game.clearText(); bb({ eyes:"start" }); ``` [Human, you could actually DIE here!](#act3a_harm) `Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_LINE=true` [This is stupid and self-destructive!](#act3a_bad) `Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_LINE=true` [These sickos aren't really your friends!](#act3a_alone) `Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_LINE=true` # act3a_harm `bb({ MOUTH_LOCK:true, mouth:"normal_talk" });` b: H-- (#act3a_after) # act3a_alone `bb({ MOUTH_LOCK:true, mouth:"normal_talk" });` b: T-- (#act3a_after) # act3a_bad `bb({ MOUTH_LOCK:true, mouth:"normal_talk" });` b: T-- (#act3a_after) # act3a_after ``` hong({body:"drink"}); bb({body:"attacked"}); attackBB("32p"); _.act3_bb_body++; ``` (...2000) ``` hong({ body:"normal" }); bb({ body:"normal_"+_.act3_bb_body, mouth:"normal", eyes:"normal" }); ``` h: You know, I might've believed you... if you hadn't tried that a zillion times before. h: You're the wolf who cried wolf. ``` bb({ eyes:"sad" }); ``` `Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_SPEAKER = "fear_harm"` [](#act3_fork) `_.SPECIAL_ATTACK="harm"; Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_LINE=true` `Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_SPEAKER = "fear_alone"` [](#act3_fork) `_.SPECIAL_ATTACK="alone"; Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_LINE=true` `Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_SPEAKER = "fear_bad"` [](#act3_fork) `_.SPECIAL_ATTACK="bad"; Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_LINE=true` # act3_fork ``` hong({body:"drink"}); bb({body:"attacked"}); attackBB("32p"); _.act3_bb_body++; ``` (...2000) ``` hong({ body:"normal" }); bb({ body:"normal_"+_.act3_bb_body, mouth:"normal", eyes:"normal" }); ``` h: You already tried that too. b: human, please... `hong({ eyes:"look_right" });` h: Oh I'm *sorry* Big Pharma doesn't approve of my self-medication. h: Look asshole, we *all* have a way of shutting you the fuck up. `hong({ body:"look_up", eyes:"look_up" });` h: Some people throw themselves into work. `hong({ body:"look_down", eyes:"look_down" });` h: Some people throw themselves into sex, drugs, and refreshing their Facebook feed. `hong({ body:"normal", eyes:"look_right" });` h: Some people throw themselves into other people. `hong({ eyes:"angry" });` h: I'm going to throw myself into that swimming pool. [You're drunk and it's SIX FLOORS DOWN](#act3_bad_1_harm) [Dang it, this is the thanks I get?!](#act3_bad_1_insult) `bb({eyes:"angry"});` [Okay, I admit it. I messed up.](#act3_good_1) `bb({mouth:"sorry", eyes:"sorry_down"});` # act3_bad_1_harm b: Even if you land in the water, the surface tension will crack your ribs and give you a concussion *at the least!* h: Eh. ``` hong({body:"drink"}); bb({body:"attacked"}); attackBB("32p"); _.act3_bb_body++; ``` (...2000) ``` hong({ body:"normal", mouth:"angry", eyes:"angry" }); bb({ body:"normal_"+_.act3_bb_body, mouth:"normal", eyes:"normal" }); ``` h: I saw a Russian guy do this on YouTube once. (#act3_bad_2) # act3_bad_1_insult `hong({ eyes:"look_right" });` h: I- Excuse me, the *thanks?* `bb({ eyes:"angry" });` b: This is exactly why I *exist!* Because humans can't be trusted to protect themselves! b: I've been trying to protect your stupid butt all my life and now you're just going t-- ``` hong({body:"drink"}); bb({body:"attacked"}); attackBB("32p"); _.act3_bb_body++; ``` (...2000) ``` hong({ body:"normal", mouth:"angry", eyes:"angry" }); bb({ body:"normal_"+_.act3_bb_body, mouth:"normal", eyes:"normal" }); ``` (#act3_bad_2) # act3_good_1 `hong({ body:"laugh_1" })`` h: heh. `hong({ body:"laugh_2" })`` h: hahahaha `hong({ body:"laugh_3" })`` h: HAHAHAHAHAHA ``` bb({ eyes:"sorry"}); hong({ body:"yell_1", mouth:"yell", eyes:"blank" }); ``` h: Oh WOW is that the biggest *fucking* understatement of the century! `hong({ body:"yell_2" });` h: Yeah, you rotting pile of blood-coated shit! You messed the fuck up! `hong({ body:"normal", mouth:"angry", eyes:"angry" });` h: Any other remarks, Captain Obvious? [But revenge on me isn't the answer!](#act3_good_1_fail_revenge) `bb({ body:"normal_"+_.act3_bb_body, mouth:"normal", eyes:"normal" });` [But this time I'm *actually* right!](#act3_good_1_fail_harm) `bb({ body:"normal_"+_.act3_bb_body, mouth:"normal", eyes:"normal" });` [I've hurt you.](#act3_good_2a) # act3_good_1_fail_revenge b: You need to have a healthier relationship with your emotions, rather than drown them wi-- ``` hong({body:"drink"}); bb({body:"attacked"}); attackBB("32p"); _.act3_bb_body++; ``` (...2000) ``` hong({ body:"normal", mouth:"angry", eyes:"angry" }); bb({ body:"normal_"+_.act3_bb_body, mouth:"normal", eyes:"normal" }); ``` (#act3_bad_2) # act3_good_1_fail_harm b: So please, put the bottle down and let's-- ``` hong({body:"drink"}); bb({body:"attacked"}); attackBB("32p"); _.act3_bb_body++; ``` (...2000) ``` hong({ body:"normal", mouth:"angry", eyes:"angry" }); bb({ body:"normal_"+_.act3_bb_body, mouth:"normal", eyes:"normal" }); ``` (#act3_bad_2) # act3_bad_2 `bb({ eyes:"sad" });` b: please... don't... h: Your energy bar's looking awfully low there, wolf. h: If I were you, I'd choose your next words very carefully. `bb({ eyes:"normal" });` [Fine. I'm done protecting you.](#act3_bad_2_jump) `bb({ mouth:"ignore", eyes:"ignore" });` [I was right all along.](#act3_bad_2_right) [I'm sorry.](#act3_good_2b) `bb({mouth:"sorry", eyes:"sorry_down"});` # act3_bad_2_jump b: So, go ahead and jump. See what I care. `hong({ eyes:"look_right", mouth:"normal", MOUTH_LOCK:true });` h: ... ``` hong({ eyes:"less_angry", mouth:"normal" }); bb({ eyes:"ignore_oh_crap" }); ``` h: Okay then. Bottoms up. ``` bb({ mouth:"normal", eyes:"oh_crap" }); Game.OVERRIDE_TEXT_SPEED = 2; ``` b: WAIT NO THAT WAS REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO DO THE *OPPOSITE* OF WHAT I SA-- (#act3_bad_3) # act3_bad_2_right `bb({ eyes:"angry" });` b: You *are* putting yourself in danger. Your so-called friends *are* using you. And *you* are using your so-called friends. `bb({ eyes:"sad" });` b: So please, human... why don't you believe me?! h: Because you never believed in *me*. (#act3_bad_3) # act3_bad_2_terrible `bb({ eyes:"angry" });` b: Other guard-wolves have humans who actually take time to patiently train them, to *learn* to work together, b: Rather than hate the guard-wolves for trying to protect them! So why can't you jus-- `bb({ eyes:"normal" });` h: Wrong fucking answer. (#act3_bad_3) # act3_bad_3 ``` music(null); hong({body:"drink"}); bb({body:"attacked"}); publish("bb_STOP_VIBRATING"); attackBB("100p"); ``` (...2000) ``` hong({ body:"normal", mouth:"normal", eyes:"normal" }); bb({ body:"dead" }); ``` (...999) h: *"The only thing to fear is fear itself."* `hong({ body:"look_up", mouth:"happy", eyes:"blank" });` h: *"Don't worry, be happy!"* `hong({ body:"normal", mouth:"normal", eyes:"normal" });` h: All the wise folk of our time agree: negative emotions are *bad!* `hong({ eyes:"less_angry" });` h: Duh! That's why they're called *negative!* b: human... please... `hong({ eyes:"normal" });` h: A while back, I said: “I just want to be free from all this pain.” h: I got my wish. I no longer feel pain, or fear, or anxiety... h: I don't feel anything at all. `_.a3_ending = "jump";` (#act3_end) # act3_good_2a `bb({mouth:"sorry", eyes:"sorry_down"});` b: I was so obsessed with making sure nothing else hurt you, that I didn't realize *I* was creating the hurt. ``` bb({ eyes:"sorry"}); hong({ body:"yell_2", mouth:"yell", eyes:"blank" }); ``` h: NO. SHIT. `hong({ body:"yell_1" });` h: GODDAMN. It really took you this long to finally figure it out?! `hong({ body:"cry", mouth:"cry", eyes:"blank" });` h: You could've saved us so much trouble, you big fluffy dumbass. Why didn't you realize this sooner?... `_.apologized_for_hurt = true;` (#act3_good_2q) # act3_good_2b `hong({ body:"normal", mouth:"angry", eyes:"look_right" });` h: ...you're *sorry.* `hong({ eyes:"angry", MOUTH_LOCK:true });` h: ... h: Sorry for *what*? (#act3_good_2q) # act3_good_2q `bb({mouth:"sorry", eyes:"sorry"});` {{if _.apologized_for_hurt}} (#act3_good_2q_already_apologized) {{/if}} {{if !_.apologized_for_hurt}} (#act3_good_2q_not_already_apologized) {{/if}} # act3_good_2q_already_apologized `hong({ body:"normal", mouth:"angry", eyes:"less_angry" });` [I'm sorry I wasn't a good protector.](#act3_good_3_protector) [I'm sorry I didn't respect you.](#act3_good_3_respect) [I'm sorry.](#act3_good_4) # act3_good_2q_not_already_apologized `hong({ body:"normal", mouth:"angry", eyes:"angry" }, 0);` [I'm sorry I have a terrible human!](#act3_bad_2_terrible) `bb({mouth:"normal", eyes:"normal"})` [I'm sorry I didn't respect you.](#act3_good_3_respect) [I'm sorry I hurt you.](#act3_good_3_hurt) # act3_good_3_protector `bb({eyes:"sorry_down"});` b: It's my duty to warn you against *real* danger, but I kept barking at cars and the mailman. `bb({eyes:"sorry_up"});` b: Barking at shadows. Barking so much. `bb({eyes:"sorry"});` b: It only makes sense that you'd want to muzzle me. `bb({eyes:"sorry_down"});` b: I'm sorry. (#act3_good_4) # act3_good_3_respect `bb({eyes:"sorry_down"});` b: I was supposed to be *your* loyal guard-dog, but I acted as if you were supposed to obey *me*. `bb({eyes:"sorry_up"});` b: There's a difference between a protector and a prison warden, and I crossed the line. `bb({eyes:"sorry_down"});` b: I'm sorry. (#act3_good_4) # act3_good_3_hurt `bb({eyes:"sorry_down"});` b: I was so obsessed with trying to protect you from being hurt, I never stopped to realize *I* was hurting you. `bb({eyes:"sorry_up"});` b: I was a bad dog. `bb({eyes:"sorry_down"});` b: I'm sorry. (#act3_good_4) # act3_good_4 ``` music(null,{fade:3}); hong({ eyes:"less_angry", MOUTH_LOCK:true },0); ``` h: ... ``` hong({ body:"stop", mouth:"stop", eyes:"blank" }); ``` h: Yeah, well, this was a dumb idea anyway. h: I only did this to mess you up, and, well, I messed you up. h: Let's just call this round a tie, okay? ``` bb({ mouth:"sorry", eyes:"sorry" }); bb({ MOUTH_LOCK:true }); ``` b: ... b: Okay. h: Okay. n: *TIE* `_.a3_ending = "walkaway";` (#act3_end) # act3_end ``` Game.clearText(); publish("act3-in"); publish("hp_hide"); Game.FORCE_CANT_SKIP = true; ``` {{if _.a3_ending=="walkaway"}} (#act3_walkaway) {{/if}} {{if _.a3_ending=="jump"}} (#act3_jump) {{/if}} # act3_walkaway ``` publish("start-walkaway-anim"); Game.WORDS_HEIGHT_BOTTOM = 205; ``` (...3501) ``` sfx("bottle_toss"); publish('hong-next'); publish("act3",["roofhunter",7]); ``` (...667) ``` publish("act3",["dd",4]); publish("act3",["roofhunter",26]); publish('hong-next'); sfx("concrete_step1"); ``` (...667) ``` publish('hong-next'); sfx("concrete_step2"); ``` (...667) ``` publish('hong-next'); publish("act3",["roofhunter",27]); ``` `Game.FORCE_CANT_SKIP = false;` r: Oh *come on*. After all that animal's done to you, you're just *giving up?* r: What's the matter, kid? Are you *scared?* ``` publish('hong-next'); publish("act3",["roofhunter",26]); ``` h2: Yes. h2: I'm scared. `publish('hong-next')` h2: And that's okay! `publish('hong-next')` h2: It's okay to be scared. `publish('hong-next')` (...500) ``` Game.clearText(); Game.FORCE_CANT_SKIP = true; ``` (...1167) ``` publish('hong-next'); ``` (...833) ``` publish('hong-next'); sfx("rustle2"); ``` (...1333) ``` publish('hong-next'); publish("act3",["dd",5]); publish("act3",["roofhunter",31]); sfx("concrete_step4"); ``` (...667) ``` publish('hong-next'); sfx("concrete_step1"); ``` (...667) ``` publish('hong-next'); sfx("door"); ``` (...1333) ``` publish('hong-next'); sfx("concrete_step2"); ``` (...501) ``` publish('hong-next'); Game.FORCE_CANT_SKIP = false; sfx("lock_door"); publish("act3",["roofhunter",32]); ``` (...2001) ``` publish("act3",["roofhunter",33]); ``` r: Did they just lock the door? ``` Game.clearAll(); _.INJURED = false; Game.WORDS_HEIGHT_BOTTOM = -1; ``` (...2000) (#act4) # act3_jump ``` publish("start-jump-anim"); Game.FORCE_TEXT_Y = 300; ``` (...2001) ``` publish('hong-next'); sfx("bottle_toss"); ``` (...833) ``` sfx("concrete_step1"); sfx("claps"); publish('hong-next'); publish("act3",["dd",4]); publish("act3",["roofhunter",28]); ``` (...125) `publish("act3",["roofhunter",29]);` (...125) `publish("act3",["roofhunter",28]);` (...125) `publish("act3",["roofhunter",29]);` (...125) ``` sfx("concrete_step2"); publish('hong-next'); publish("act3",["roofhunter",28]); ``` (...125) `publish("act3",["roofhunter",29]);` (...125) `publish("act3",["roofhunter",28]);` (...125) `publish("act3",["roofhunter",29]);` (...125) ``` sfx("concrete_step3"); publish('hong-next'); publish("act3",["dd",5]); publish("act3",["roofhunter",34]); ``` (...1167) ``` sfx("rustle2"); publish('hong-next'); ``` (...1001) `publish('hong-next')` b: no... (...501) `Game.clearText();` `publish('hong-next')` (...1333) ``` sfx("quack"); publish('hong-next'); ``` (...1333) `publish('hong-next')` b: no no no (...501) `Game.clearText();` `publish('hong-next')` (...2001) ``` sfx("rustle2"); publish('hong-next') ``` (...501) ``` sfx("concrete_step1"); publish('hong-next'); publish("act3",["dd",4]); publish("act3",["roofhunter",30]); ``` (...167) ``` sfx("concrete_step2"); publish('hong-next'); ``` (...167) ``` sfx("concrete_step3"); publish('hong-next'); publish("act3",["dd",2]); publish("act3",["roofhunter",15]); ``` (...167) ``` sfx("bottle_slip"); publish('hong-next'); publish("act3",["dd",3]); publish("act3",["roofhunter",16]); ``` (...833) ``` sfx("rustle"); publish('hong-next'); ``` (...167) `publish('hong-next')` (...167) ``` publish('hong-next'); Game.FORCE_TEXT_Y = 325; Game.OVERRIDE_FONT_SIZE = 50; ``` b: NO! (...400) ``` Game.WORDS_HEIGHT_BOTTOM = -1; Game.FORCE_TEXT_Y = -1; Game.clearText(); publish("act4-injury-show"); ``` (...2000) ``` /*sfx("hospital1");*/ publish("act4-injury", [1]); ``` (...4000) ``` /*stopAllSounds();*/ publish("act4-injury", [0]); ``` (...2000) ``` /*sfx("hospital2");*/ publish("act4-injury", [2]); ``` (...4000) ``` /*stopAllSounds();*/ publish("act4-injury", [0]); ``` (...2000) ``` /*sfx("hospital3");*/ publish("act4-injury", [3]); ``` (...6000) ``` /*stopAllSounds();*/ publish("act4-injury", [0]); ``` (...5000) `_.INJURED = true;` (#act4)