Loader.addImages([ { id:"credits_bb_dance", src:"sprites/credits/bb_dance.png" }, { id:"credits_end_message", src:"sprites/credits/end_message.png" }, { id:"credits_end_walk", src:"sprites/credits/end_walk.png" }, { id:"credits_gramm", src:"sprites/credits/gramm.png" }, { id:"credits_screens", src:"sprites/credits/screens.png" }, { id:"credits_starring", src:"sprites/credits/starring.png" }, { id:"credits_thanks", src:"sprites/credits/thanks.png" }, ]); function BG_Credits(){ var self = this; // SHOW LOGO & MAKERS self.screens = new Sprite({ image: Library.images.credits_screens, grid:{ width:3, height:2 }, frame:{ width:720, height:1200 }, anchor:{ x:0, y:0 }, x:0, y:0 }); // STARRING self.starring = new Sprite({ image: Library.images.credits_starring, grid:{ width:1, height:1 }, frame:{ width:720, height:4400 }, anchor:{ x:0, y:0 }, x:0, y:0 }); self.starring.y = 600; self.gramm = new Sprite({ image: Library.images.credits_gramm, grid:{ width:2, height:1 }, frame:{ width:720, height:840 }, anchor:{ x:0, y:0 }, x:0, y:0 }); self.gramm.y = 194/2; // THANKS & DANCE self.thanks = new Sprite({ image: Library.images.credits_thanks, grid:{ width:1, height:1 }, frame:{ width:720, height:7200 }, anchor:{ x:0, y:0 }, x:0, y:0 }); self.thanks.y = 600; var BBDance = { image: Library.images.credits_bb_dance, grid:{ width:8, height:6 }, frame:{ width:720, height:1200 }, anchor:{ x:0, y:0 }, x:0, y:0 }; self.hook = new Sprite(BBDance); self.hook.gotoFrame(43); self.bb_dance = new Sprite(BBDance); // END MESSAGE var endMsg = { image: Library.images.credits_end_message, grid:{ width:3, height:2 }, frame:{ width:720, height:1200 }, anchor:{ x:0, y:0 }, x:0, y:17 }; self.endMessages = []; [{from:49.9667,to:50.6}, {from:51.4667,to:52.1}, {from:53.8333,to:54.4667}, {from:57.8333,to:58.4667}].forEach(function(period, i){ var msg = new Sprite(endMsg); msg.gotoFrame(i+1); msg._PERIOD = period; self.endMessages.push(msg); }); // END WALK self.end_walk = new Sprite({ image: Library.images.credits_end_walk, grid:{ width:5, height:1 }, frame:{ width:500, height:400 }, anchor:{ x:0, y:0 }, x:52, y:330 }); /////////////////////////////////////// // ANIMATION ////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////// var STAGE = 0; var T_OFFSET = 1.9667; // stage 0 /*var T_OFFSET = 30; window.CURRENT_MUSIC.stop(); window.CURRENT_MUSIC.seek(T_OFFSET); window.CURRENT_MUSIC.play();*/ self.t = T_OFFSET; var _lastTime = (new Date()).getTime(); self.update = function(){ // hah, nah }; // STAGE 0 & 1 self.velY = 0; self.accY = 0; self.gotoY = 0; var PULL_BACK = 50; var ZOOM_UP = -600; var ZOOM_IN = 600; // STAGE 1 var STAGE_1_SCROLL_START = 18; var STAGE_1_SCROLL_END = 31.4667; var STAGE_1_SCROLL_DURATION = STAGE_1_SCROLL_END - STAGE_1_SCROLL_START; var STAGE_1_SCROLL_LENGTH = (-1630.4) - (292.6); STAGE_1_SCROLL_LENGTH -= 25; // HACK. // STAGE 2 var S2_SCROLL_START = 34.1667 + 0.75; var S2_SCROLL_END = 49.6667; var S2_SCROLL_DUR = S2_SCROLL_END-S2_SCROLL_START; var S2_SCROLL_LEN = 3600 + 600; // STAGE 4 var YELPED = false; self.draw = function(ctx){ // Keep on tickin' -- todo: Game passes in time, coz paused... var now = (new Date()).getTime(); var delta = (now - _lastTime)/1000; _lastTime = now; self.t += delta; //1/60; // What STAGE? if(self.t >= 71.0333){ STAGE = 5; // THE END }else if(self.t >= 63.9667){ STAGE = 4; // END WALK }else if(self.t >= 49.9667){ STAGE = 3; // END MESSAGE }else if(self.t >= 33.9667){ STAGE = 2; // THANKS DANCE }else if(self.t >= 18){ if(STAGE!=1){ self.accY = 0; self.gotoY = 260; } STAGE = 1; // STARRING }else{ STAGE = 0; // LOGO & MAKERS } //////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////// // STAGE 0 - LOGO & MAKERS if(STAGE==0){ // BG ctx.fillStyle = "#000"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,360,600); // Which Screen? if(self.t > 14.0333){ if(self.screens.currentFrame!=3) self.screens.y = ZOOM_IN; self.screens.gotoFrame(3); // Pull back, zoom up? if(self.t > 17.7) self.gotoY = ZOOM_UP; else if(self.t > 17.2667) self.gotoY = PULL_BACK; else self.gotoY = 0; }else if(self.t > 9.9){ if(self.screens.currentFrame!=2) self.screens.y = ZOOM_IN; self.screens.gotoFrame(2); // Pull back, zoom up? if(self.t > 13.7333) self.gotoY = ZOOM_UP; else if(self.t > 13.3) self.gotoY = PULL_BACK; else self.gotoY = 0; }else if(self.t > 5.8333){ if(self.screens.currentFrame!=1) self.screens.y = ZOOM_IN; self.screens.gotoFrame(1); // Pull back, zoom up? if(self.t > 9.6333) self.gotoY = ZOOM_UP; else if(self.t > 9.1667) self.gotoY = PULL_BACK; else self.gotoY = 0; }else{ self.screens.gotoFrame(0); // Pull back, zoom up? if(self.t > 5.6) self.gotoY = ZOOM_UP; else if(self.t > 5.1333) self.gotoY = PULL_BACK; else self.gotoY = 0; } // PHYSICS for in or out self.screens.y += self.velY; self.velY += self.accY; self.velY *= 0.75; self.accY = (self.gotoY - self.screens.y)*0.05; // DRAW self.screens.draw(ctx); } // STAGE 1 - STARRING if(STAGE == 1){ // BG ctx.fillStyle = "#000"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,360,600); // Scroll til the duration's over. var t = (self.t - STAGE_1_SCROLL_START)/STAGE_1_SCROLL_DURATION; if(t>1) t=1; self.gotoY = 260 + t*STAGE_1_SCROLL_LENGTH; // PHYSICS for scroll self.starring.y += self.velY; self.velY += self.accY; self.velY *= 0.75; self.accY = (self.gotoY - self.starring.y)*0.03; // Draw GRAMM??? //if(self.t > 33.7333){ if(self.t > 33.8333){ // Draw ANYWAY, self.screens.x = 0; self.screens.y = 0; self.screens.gotoFrame(4); self.screens.draw(ctx); }else if(self.t > 32.1333){ // Draw GRAMM var frame = (self.t-32.1333) / (4/30); frame = Math.floor(frame) % 2; self.gramm.gotoFrame(frame); self.gramm.draw(ctx); }else{ // DRAW CHARS self.starring.draw(ctx); } } // STAGE 2 - THANKS & DANCE if(STAGE == 2){ // BG ctx.fillStyle = "#000"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,360,600); // Credits scroll if(self.t>S2_SCROLL_START && self.t5) frame+=4; // Offset? var numFrames = (DANCE_STAGE==5) ? 8 : 4; var speed = (DANCE_STAGE<4) ? 2/30 : 1/30; var t = (self.t-34.1667)/speed; var offset = Math.floor(t)%numFrames; self.bb_dance.gotoFrame(frame + offset); // The hook if(DANCE_STAGE==7){ var t = (self.t-47.9333)/(49.6667-47.9333); self.hook.x = 360 - t*360; self.hook.draw(ctx); } }else{ // HOOKED self.bb_dance.gotoFrame(42); // DRAG AWAY if(self.t>49.7667){ var t = (self.t-49.7667)/(49.9333-49.7667); self.bb_dance.x = t*360; ctx.fillStyle = "#fff"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,self.bb_dance.x,600); } } self.bb_dance.draw(ctx); } // STAGE 3 - END MESSAGE if(STAGE == 3){ // BG ctx.fillStyle = "#fff"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,360,600); // TEXT self.endMessages.forEach(function(msg){ if(self.t > msg._PERIOD.from){ var t = Math.min( (self.t-msg._PERIOD.from)/(msg._PERIOD.to-msg._PERIOD.from), 1 ); msg.y = (1-Math.sqrt(t))*18; msg.alpha = t; msg.draw(ctx); } }); // Fade out if(self.t>59.3333){ var alpha = (self.t-59.3333) / (63.9333-59.3333); ctx.globalAlpha = alpha; ctx.fillStyle = "#fff"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,360,600); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; } } // STAGE 4 - END WALK (and YELP) if(STAGE == 4){ // BG ctx.fillStyle = "#fff"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,360,600); // WALKING IN var t = (self.t-63.9667)/0.3667; var frame = Math.floor(t)%4; if(self.t>70.6 && !YELPED){ YELPED = true; sfx("yelp"); } self.end_walk.gotoFrame(YELPED ? 4 : frame); self.end_walk.draw(ctx); // Fade in var t = Math.min( (self.t-63.9667)/(70.1-63.9667), 1 ); var alpha = 1 - t*0.75; ctx.globalAlpha = alpha; ctx.fillStyle = "#fff"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,360,600); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; } // STAGE 5 - BLANK if(STAGE >= 5){ ctx.fillStyle = "#000"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,360,600); } } }