# intro `SceneSetup.intro();` # intro-play-button `Game.HACK_MAKE_THE_LINE_BIG=true;` [
](#intro-start) `publish("intro-to-game-1"); Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_LINE=true;` # intro-start (...500) `clearText()` n3: Welcome! This is less of a "game", more of an interactive story. Hope you like reading, sucka n3: So before we start, how would *you* like to read? `publish("show_options_bottom")` # intro-start-2 n3: Great! Note: you can always change text/audio options with the ⚙ icon below. n3: Now, let's begin our story... `clearText()` (...1000) `publish("intro-to-game-2")` n2: THIS IS A HUMAN (...600) `clearText()` (...300) (#act1_end) `/*publish("intro-to-game-3")*/`