window._ = {}; window.Game = {}; Game.sections = {}; Game.queue = []; Game.dom = $("#game_container"); Game.wordsDOM = $("#game_words"); Game.choicesDOM = $("#game_choices"); Game.canvas = $("#game_canvas"); window.SceneSetup = {}; // A big ol' singleton class that just makes it easy to create scenes. // HELPER FUNCS = function(){ publish("bb", arguments); }; window.hong = function(){ publish("hong", arguments); }; window.attack = function(damage, type){ publish("attack", ["hong", damage, type]); }; window.attackBB = function(damage, type){ publish("attack", ["bb", damage, type]); }; // Init Game.init = function(){ // HP! window.HP = new HitPoints(); // Animation! console.log("init"); = "80px"; var animloop = function(){ Game.update(); requestAnimationFrame(animloop); }; requestAnimationFrame(animloop); }; // Parse scene markdown! Game.parseSceneMarkdown = function(md){ // Split into sections... md = md.trim(); md = "\n" + md; var sections = md.split(/\n\#\s*/); sections.shift(); sections.forEach(function(section){ var split_index = section.indexOf("\n\n"); var id = section.slice(0, split_index).toLocaleLowerCase(); var text = section.slice(split_index+2); // Split into lines text = text.trim(); var lines = text.split("\n\n"); for(var i=0; i0){ promiseNext.then(function(){ Game.executeNextLine(); }); } }; Game.clearQueue = function(){ Game.queue = []; }; Game.addToQueue = function(line){ Game.queue.push(line); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TEXT AND STUFF ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Immediate Promise Game.immediatePromise = function(){ return new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve){ resolve(); }); }; // Move the text DOM to latest Game.updateText = function(){ var wordsHeight = 80 + Game.wordsDOM.getBoundingClientRect().height; var currentY = parseFloat( || 80; var gotoY = (wordsHeight<250) ? 0 : wordsHeight-250; gotoY = 80 - gotoY; var nextY = currentY*0.9 + gotoY*0.1; = nextY+"px"; }; // CLEAR TEXT Game.clearText = function(){ Game.wordsDOM.innerHTML = ""; // TODO HACK make prettier }; window.clearText = Game.clearText; // Execute text! Just add it to text DOM. Game.TEXT_SPEED = 70; Game.OVERRIDE_TEXT_SPEED = 1; Game.WHO_IS_SPEAKING = null; // "h", "b", "n" etc... Game.CURRENT_SPEAKING_SPEED = 1; Game.executeText = function(line){ return new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve){ // Who's speaking? // b: Beebee, h: Hong, n: Narrator, x: Xavier, y: Yvonne var regex = /^(.)\:(.*)/ var speaker = line.match(regex)[1].trim(); var dialogue = line.match(regex)[2].trim(); // Add the bubble, with animation var div = document.createElement("div"); Game.wordsDOM.appendChild(div); Game.WHO_IS_SPEAKING = speaker; // WHO'S SPEAKING?! Game.CURRENT_SPEAKING_SPEED = Game.OVERRIDE_TEXT_SPEED; switch(speaker){ case "b": div.className = "beebee-bubble"; break; case "h": div.className = "hong-bubble"; break; case "n": div.className = "narrator-bubble"; break; } requestAnimationFrame(function(){ requestAnimationFrame(function(){ = 1; = 0; }); }); // Clear both var clearBoth = document.createElement("div"); clearBoth.className = "clear-both"; Game.wordsDOM.appendChild(clearBoth); // TODO: BOLD LETTER BY LETTER... // Add the text var interval = 0; var SPEED = Math.round(Game.TEXT_SPEED / Game.OVERRIDE_TEXT_SPEED); if(speaker!="n"){ // Put in the text, each character a DIFFERENT SPAN... var span, chr; var isItalicized = false; for(var i=0; i"+chr+"" : chr; } = 0; div.appendChild(span); } // Then REVEAL letters one-by-one for(var i=0; i *Emphasize* *multiple* *words* var regex = /\*([^\*]*)\*/g; var emphasized = dialogue.match(regex) || []; for(var i=emphasized.length-1; i>=0; i--){ // backwards coz replacing // Convert var originalEm = emphasized[i] var em = originalEm; em = em.substr(1,em.length-2); // remove * var ems = em.split(" "); ems ={ return "*"+word+"*"; }); em = ems.join(" "); // Replace in main string var startIndex = dialogue.indexOf(originalEm); dialogue = dialogue.slice(0, startIndex) + em + dialogue.slice(startIndex+originalEm.length); } // Put in the text, each word a DIFFERENT SPAN var span; var dialogueWords = dialogue.split(" "); for(var i=0; i"; } // Add the span span = document.createElement("span"); span.innerHTML = word+" "; = 0; div.appendChild(span); } // Then REVEAL words one-by-one for(var i=0; i