window.Loader = {}; window.Library = { images: {}, sounds: {} }; Loader.load = function(){ return new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve){ var loadPromises = []; // All scenes Loader.sceneSources.forEach(function(src){ loadPromises.push( Loader.loadScene(src) ); }); // All images Loader.imageConfigs.forEach(function(config){ loadPromises.push( Loader.loadImage(config) ); }); // All sounds Loader.soundConfigs.forEach(function(config){ loadPromises.push( Loader.loadSound(config) ); }); // Go go go! RSVP.all(loadPromises).then(resolve); }); }; ///////////////////////////// // IMAGES /////////////////// ///////////////////////////// Loader.imageConfigs = []; Loader.addImages = function(imageConfigs){ Loader.imageConfigs = Loader.imageConfigs.concat(imageConfigs); }; Loader.loadImage = function(imageConfig){ return new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve){ var img = new Image(); var id =; Library.images[id] = img; // ADD TO LIBRARY img.onload = resolve; img.src = imageConfig.src; }); }; ///////////////////////////// // SCENES /////////////////// ///////////////////////////// Loader.sceneSources = []; Loader.addScenes = function(sceneSources){ Loader.sceneSources = Loader.sceneSources.concat(sceneSources); }; Loader.loadScene = function(src){ var loadDataPromise = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve){ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", src); xhr.onload = function() { if(xhr.status===200){ Game.parseSceneMarkdown(xhr.responseText); // PARSE INTO GAME resolve(); } }; xhr.send(); }); }; ///////////////////////////// // SOUNDS /////////////////// ///////////////////////////// Loader.soundConfigs = []; Loader.addSounds = function(soundConfigs){ Loader.soundConfigs = Loader.soundConfigs.concat(soundConfigs); }; Loader.loadSound = function(soundConfig){ return new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve){ var sound = new Howl({ src: [soundConfig.src] }); var id =; Library.sounds[id] = sound; // ADD TO LIBRARY sound.once("load",function(){ resolve(); }); }); };