Loader.addImages([ { id:"rooftop_bg", src:"sprites/act3/rooftop_bg.png" }, { id:"rooftop_hunter", src:"sprites/act3/hunter.png" }, { id:"rooftop_hong", src:"sprites/act3/hong.png" }, { id:"rooftop_dd", src:"sprites/act3/dd.png" }, { id:"dizzy", src:"sprites/act3/dizzy.png" }, { id:"hospital", src:"sprites/act3/hospital.png" }, { id:"transition", src:"sprites/act3/transition.png" }, ]); Loader.addSounds([ { id:"lock_door", src:"sounds/sfx/lock_door.mp3" } ]); function BG_Rooftop(){ var self = this; // BACKGROUND SPRITES var BGSpriteConfig = { image: Library.images.rooftop_bg, grid:{ width:2, height:2 }, frame:{ width:1400, height:1200 }, }; self.bg = new Sprite(BGSpriteConfig); self.skyline = new Sprite(BGSpriteConfig); self.skyline.gotoFrame(1); self.clouds = new Sprite(BGSpriteConfig); self.clouds.gotoFrame(2); self.roof = new Sprite(BGSpriteConfig); self.roof.gotoFrame(3); // ROOF HUNTER, HONG, DEEDUM, DIZZIES self.roofhunter = new Sprite({ image: Library.images.rooftop_hunter, grid:{ width:8, height:5 }, frame:{ width:400, height:360 }, y: 219 }); self.roofhong = new Sprite({ image: Library.images.rooftop_hong, grid:{ width:8, height:8 }, frame:{ width:720, height:800 }, y: 225 }); self.dd = new Sprite({ image: Library.images.rooftop_dd, grid:{ width:4, height:2 }, frame:{ width:240, height:120 }, y: 300 }); self.transition = new Sprite({ image: Library.images.transition, grid:{ width:8, height:1 }, frame:{ width:720, height:400 }, y: 258 }); var DizzySpriteConfig = { image: Library.images.dizzy, grid:{ width:4, height:2 }, frame:{ width:50, height:50 } } self.dizzyhunter = new Sprite(DizzySpriteConfig); self.dizzyhunter.y = 205; self.dizzyhong = new Sprite(DizzySpriteConfig); self.dizzyhong.y = 221; // Anxiety BG - TODO: ALL BOXES FALL DOWN self.anxiety = new BG_Anxiety(); // Characters self.hong = new Act3_Hong(); self.beebee = new Act3_Beebee(); // Hospital scene self.hospitalSprite = new Sprite({ image: Library.images.hospital, grid:{ width:4, height:1 }, frame:{ width:720, height:1200 }, }); self.hospitalSprite.visible = false; //////////////////////////////////////// // LAYERS ////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////// self.layers = [ self.bg, self.skyline, self.clouds, self.roof, self.roofhunter, self.dd, self.dizzyhunter, self.dizzyhong, self.roofhong, self.anxiety, self.transition, self.hong, self.beebee, ]; var PARALLAXES = [ 0.05, // bg 0.1, // skyline 0.0, // clouds 0.3, // roof 0.5, // roofhunter 0.5, // dd 0.5, // dizzyhunter 0.5, // dizzyhong 1.0, // roofhong 0.0, // anxiety 1.0, // transition 0.0, // hong 0.0, // beebee ]; var OFFSETS = [ 0, // bg 0, // skyline 80, // clouds 0, // roof 0, // roofhunter 0, // dd 79, // dizzyhunter 211, // dizzyhong 0, // roofhong 0, // anxiety 191, // transition 0, // hong 0, // beebee ]; var ALPHAS = [ 1, // bg 1, // skyline 1, // clouds 1, // roof 1, // roofhunter 1, // dd 0, // dizzyhunter 0, // dizzyhong 1, // roofhong 0, // anxiety 0, // transition 0, // hong 0, // beebee ]; var parallax = 0; var parallaxTicker = 0; var PARALLAXING = null; var MAGIC_NUMBER = 191; var ticker = 0; self.update = function(){ // START PARALLAXING IN / OUT if(PARALLAXING!=null){ if(PARALLAXING=="out"){ parallaxTicker += 1/60; // 0 to 1 in one second } if(PARALLAXING=="in"){ parallaxTicker -= 1/60; // 1 to 0 in one second } if(parallaxTicker>1) parallaxTicker = 1; if(parallaxTicker<0) parallaxTicker = 0; // 0 to -180 in one second, smoothed var t = Math.cos(parallaxTicker*Math.TAU/2); // 1 to -1 t = (1-t)/2; // 0 to 1 parallax = -t*MAGIC_NUMBER; // Anxiety Alpha ALPHAS[9] = t; // DONE if(t==1 || t==0){ PARALLAXING = null; // Stage 1 transition end if(STAGE==1){ ALPHAS.forEach(function(val, index){ if(index<9) ALPHAS[index]=0; }); } if(STAGE==2){ ALPHAS[11] = 0; // HIDE battle Hong ALPHAS[12] = 0; // HIDE battle Beebee // Transition BB in if(_.a3_ending=="walkaway"){ setTimeout(function(){ self.roofhong.nextFrame(); },800); } } } } // BYE CLOUDS if(ALPHAS[9]!=1){ // unless anxiety BG OFFSETS[2] -= 3/60; } // SUPER HACKY - ANIMATE THE DIZZIES ticker += 1/60; var fps = 4; var frame = Math.round(ticker*fps) % 4; // fps times a second self.dizzyhunter.gotoFrame(frame); var frame = Math.round(ticker*fps) % 4 + 4; // fps times a second self.dizzyhong.gotoFrame(frame); // ANIMATE HUNTER if(self.roofhunter.currentFrame==23 || self.roofhunter.currentFrame==24){ self.roofhunter._hack_timer = (self.roofhunter._hack_timer===undefined) ? 0 : self.roofhunter._hack_timer; self.roofhunter._hack_timer += 1/60; if(self.roofhunter._hack_timer>1/24){ // 24 times a second if(self.roofhunter.currentFrame==23){ self.roofhunter.gotoFrame(24); }else{ self.roofhunter.gotoFrame(23); } self.roofhunter._hack_timer = 0; } } // ANIMATE TRANSITION if(self.transition.currentFrame>0){ self.transition._hack_timer = (self.transition._hack_timer===undefined) ? 0 : self.transition._hack_timer; self.transition._hack_timer += 1/60; if(self.transition._hack_timer>1/15){ // 15fps self.transition._hack_timer = 0; if(self.transition.currentFrame<7){ self.transition.nextFrame(); }else if(!self.transition._HACK_DONE_FOREVER){ self.transition._HACK_DONE_FOREVER = true; publish("act3-alpha", ["transition", 0]); publish("act3-alpha", ["hong", 1]); publish("act3-alpha", ["beebee", 1]); } } } // ANIMATE HONG var h = self.roofhong; if(h.currentFrame>=36 && h.currentFrame<43){ h._hack_timer = (h._hack_timer===undefined) ? 0 : h._hack_timer; h._hack_timer += 1/60; if(h._hack_timer>1/15){ // 15fps h._hack_timer = 0; h.nextFrame(); } } // Anxiety BG if(ALPHAS[9]>0){ self.anxiety.update(ALPHAS[9]); } }; self.draw = function(ctx){ ctx.save(); if(!self.hospitalSprite.visible){ for(var i=0; i0){ ctx.globalAlpha = ALPHAS[i]; layer.draw(ctx); } } }else{ self.hospitalSprite.draw(ctx); } ctx.restore(); }; var STAGE = 0; var _subscriptions = []; _subscriptions.push( subscribe("act3", function(thing, frame){ if(typeof frame=="string"){ if(frame=="next"){ self[thing].nextFrame(); }else{ self[thing].gotoFrameByName(frame); } }else{ self[thing].gotoFrame(frame); } }), subscribe("act3-alpha", function(thing, alpha){ var index = self.layers.indexOf(self[thing]); ALPHAS[index] = alpha; }), subscribe("act3-out", function(){ STAGE = 1; PARALLAXING = "out"; sfx("whoosh"); // WHOOSH setTimeout(function(){ self.transition.gotoFrame(1); },400); }), subscribe("act3-in", function(){ // WEIRD PARALLAXIN' TIME self.hong.ALLOW_PARALLAX = true; self.beebee.ALLOW_PARALLAX = true; PARALLAXES[11] = 1.0; // battle hong PARALLAXES[12] = 1.27; // battle bb OFFSETS[11] = MAGIC_NUMBER*PARALLAXES[11]; // battle hong OFFSETS[12] = MAGIC_NUMBER*PARALLAXES[12]; // battle bb // SHOW EVERYTHING BELOW ANXIETY BG ALPHAS.forEach(function(val, index){ if(index<9) ALPHAS[index]=1; }); ALPHAS[6] = ALPHAS[7] = 0; // Except dizzy // WHOOSH STAGE = 2; PARALLAXING = "in"; sfx("whoosh"); }), // JUMP OFF / WALK AWAY subscribe("start-jump-anim", function(){ self.dd.gotoFrame(2); self.roofhunter.gotoFrame(15); self.roofhong.gotoFrame(16); }), subscribe("start-walkaway-anim", function(){ self.dd.gotoFrame(2); self.roofhunter.gotoFrame(5); self.roofhong.gotoFrame(35); }), subscribe("hong-next", function(){ //self.hongSprite.nextFrame(); self.roofhong.nextFrame(); }), // INJURY subscribe("act4-injury-show", function(frame){ self.hospitalSprite.visible = true; }), subscribe("act4-injury", function(frame){ self.hospitalSprite.gotoFrame(frame); }) ); self.kill = function(){ _subscriptions.forEach(unsubscribe); }; }