# act4 ``` SceneSetup.act4(); ``` (...5001) `publish("outside-hong", ["walk"])` (...2001) `publish("outside-hong", ["eat"])` (...2001) `publish("act4-out-1");` (...2001) `Game.FORCE_CANT_SKIP = false;` h: *sigh* h: So what the hell was the moral of this story? h: What did we even *learn*? I *was* being stupid, my "friends" *were* using me, and we almost fucking *died*. {{if _.INJURED}} [Yeah, not to mention the hospital bill.](#act4a_bill) {{/if}} {{if !_.INJURED}} [Yeah, not to mention the liver damage.](#act4a_liver) {{/if}} [Yeah, that *was* the worst-case scenario.](#act4a_worst) [Yeah, I was right.](#act4a_right) # act4a_bill h: Right. I don't think my insurance plan covers "being a dumbass". b: And yet... we survived! h: ? (#act4b) # act4a_liver b: We definitely shaved a few years off our life expectancy... b: But at least we still *have* a life expectancy! We survived! (#act4b) # act4a_worst b: And yet... h: Hm? b: We survived! (#act4b) # act4a_right b: But... you were right, too. h: Hm? b: I *was* the wolf who cried wolf. So when *actual* danger came, you – justifiably – didn't believe me. b: And yet, we survived! (#act4b) # act4b b: Despite everything, we're still here. {{if _.INJURED}} h: You seem pretty calm considering we just had a near-death experience. {{/if}} {{if !_.INJURED}} h: You seem pretty calm considering we just had a *near*-near-death experience. {{/if}} b: Well, it makes everything else less scary in comparison. It's also got me thinking. b: If me fighting you sucks... h: But me fighting *you* also sucks... b: Because no matter who wins, we *both* lose, so maybe... h: Maybe we don't have to fight. `Game.FORCE_CANT_SKIP = true;` `publish("smash",[0]);` (...2001) ``` publish("smash",[1]); sfx("grass_step1"); ``` (...2001) `publish("smash",[2]);` (...501) `Game.FORCE_CANT_SKIP = false;` (#act4b_2) # act4b_2 `music('dontfight',{fade:5, volume:0.6})` b: I'm not a Big Bad Wolf. But I'm not a guard-wolf either. b: I'm a battered shelter dog. b: We've been through rough stuff, possibly trauma, so that's why sometimes I over-react and go-- `sfx("yaps", {volume:0.6});` b: YAP YAP YAP YAP YAP b: But I don't *want* to be a cowardly dog! I want to protect you! I want to be a good dog! b: Human... will you help tame this wolf? h: I... I'll try. h: Okay. Healthy relationship with emotions. Relationships need communication. So, let's communicate. h: The next five minutes are going to sound super cheesy, but let's fake it 'til we make it. h: Dear inner wolf... how are *you* feeling? n2: TOTAL FEARS USED: n2: *HARMED* {{_.attack_harm_total}}, *UNLOVED* {{_.attack_alone_total}}, *BAD PERSON* {{_.attack_bad_total}} n2: WHAT FEAR DO YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT FIRST? (YOU CAN DO THE OTHERS LATER) ``` _.a4_fears_discussed = 0; _.num_thanks = 0; ``` [I'm scared we'll be harmed.](#act4_harm) [I'm scared we'll be alone.](#act4_alone) [I'm scared we're bad people.](#act4_bad) # act4_harm ``` _.a4_talked_about_harm = true; _.a4_fears_discussed += 1; ``` `//b: (insert callbacks to harm-fears you used)` b: I want to protect your need for physical safety, b: But, gosh, there's so many dangerous things in the world! {{if _.a4_fears_discussed==1}} b: I dunno, enough of *me* choosing what to say next. What do *you* say, human? {{/if}} {{if _.a4_fears_discussed==2}} b: Again, back to you, human. What do you think? {{/if}} {{if _.a4_fears_discussed==3}} b: More thoughts, human? {{/if}} `Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_SPEAKER = "h"` [You're right. So let's protect ourselves.](#act4_harm_skills) [Let's expose ourselves to *more* danger.](#act4_harm_exposure) [Thank you.](#act4_thanks) `_.thanks_for = "physical safety";` # act4_harm_skills b: But... how? I have fangs and claws, but I'm just a metaphor. h: We could pick up self-defense? Improve our general health? Learn to better assert our boundaries? b: Maybe, but... [Where do we even start?](#act4_harm_skills_start) [What if they still don't work?](#act4_harm_skills_work) [What if we go overboard on "safety"?](#act4_harm_skills_overboard) # act4_harm_skills_start b: There's so much to do, so much we need to fix about ourselves. What do we even *begin* with? h: We're beginning right now. b: Eh? h: I mean, we're practicing good communication right now. Which will help us detect danger better, with fewer false positives, h: And that *will* help protect us from harm! h: Therefore: tis *is* self-defense training. b: Huh. I was expecting more of this: b: (insert karate chop pose) h: Heh. (#act4_something_else) # act4_harm_skills_work h: True, there's no way to 100% protect ourselves... h: But even a 1% improvement is still worth something, right? b: You're seeing the glass as not 99% empty, but 1% full? h: Which is still worth something if you're stranded in the desert! b: Heh. Bottoms up, then. (#act4_something_else) # act4_harm_skills_overboard b: I mean, the whole reason you ignored my warnings was because *I* went overboard with safety! h: Naw, you're right. We would want to do safety in moderation. Everything in moderation. b: Sorry, *EVERYTHING* in moderation? h: *A moderate number of things* in moderation. b: Thank you for making your statements recursively self-consistent. (#act4_something_else) # act4_harm_exposure b: *WHAT* h: I mean, let's say a dog is scared of thunder. h: One trick trainers use is to play a recording of thunder at a low volume, then give the dog a treat for staying calm. h: Over several days, the trainer raises the volume bit by bit, until the dog has overcome their fear of thunder. h: It's called exposure therapy! h: Since you're a dog, it should work for you too, right? All mammals have the same fight-or-flight response. [What if we desensitize *too* much?](#act4_harm_exposure_overboard) [What if we're exposed to *real* danger?](#act4_harm_exposure_hurt) [I'm a wolf, not a dog.](#act4_harm_exposure_dog) # act4_harm_exposure_dog h: And I'll show you kindness and patience 'til you're domesticated into a cute lil' puppy. b: ... b: D'aw. (#act4_something_else) # act4_harm_exposure_overboard b: We *just* saw what happens if you shut down your fear – you put yourself in *actually* dangerous situations. b: Besides, won't *too* much desensitization turn us into psychopaths? b: Soon we'll give ourselves treats while watching snuff murder porn! h: I... think there's a line between that and the thunder. b: But exactly *where*, human? *Where?!* h: I don't know. But *you* can help me! h: Working and negotiating with you, we'll draw that line. b: Okay. But I've got no opposable thumbs, so you have to do the drawing. (#act4_something_else) # act4_harm_exposure_hurt {{if _.INJURED}} b: For example: we jumped off a freaking *roof!* {{/if}} {{if !_.INJURED}} b: For example: we almost jumped off a freaking *roof!* {{/if}} h: Nah you're right. One *can* go too far. h: But that's why, if we do exposure therapy, we'll start small, and make small steps upward. h: Just before we hit *actual* danger, we stop. b: Yeah I draw the line between hearing loud thunder, and standing in a storm with a tall pointy hat. (#act4_something_else) # act4_thanks `_.num_thanks += 1` {{if _.num_thanks==1}} (#act4_thanks_1) {{/if}} {{if _.num_thanks==2}} (#act4_thanks_2) {{/if}} {{if _.num_thanks==3}} (#act4_thanks_3) {{/if}} # act4_thanks_1 b: ... b: Wait, no arguments for or against what I'm feeling? Just... "thank you"? h: Yeah! Thank you for showing your concern for my {{_.thanks_for}}. b: ... h: You okay? b: You've never said *thank you* to me before. h: Aw you big fuzzy-wuzzy panic-wolf. (#act4_something_else) # act4_thanks_2 h: Even if you over-react, I appreciate you look out for my {{_.thanks_for}}. b: Wait... you're not just repeating "thank you" to avoid actually talking about these fears, are you? h: Well, stuff's complicated, and I don't always have answers ready. h: It's not like life gives you a list of 3 pre-made dialogue responses. h: But for now, at least I can at least say thanks. b: Well, thank you too, for listening to me patiently. b: You small hairless flesh-mammal. (#act4_something_else) # act4_thanks_3 h: Even if your yapping scares me, you're simply trying to protect my {{_.thanks_for}}. b: Okay, if you keep flattering me like this, the internet's gonna get some weird ideas about us. h: C'mon, I'm just a vulnerable college-age kid and you're a big, scary wolf. What's the worst that cou-- h: Actually, do not answer that. (#act4_something_else) # act4_alone ``` _.a4_talked_about_alone = true; _.a4_fears_discussed += 1; ``` `//b: (insert callbacks to alone-fears you used)` b: I want to make sure you get your social needs met, the human need to belong... b: But, I worry: will we ever be loved? *Can* we ever be loved? {{if _.a4_fears_discussed==1}} b: I dunno, enough of *me* choosing what to say next. What do *you* say, human? {{/if}} {{if _.a4_fears_discussed==2}} b: Again, back to you, human. What do you think? {{/if}} {{if _.a4_fears_discussed==3}} b: More thoughts, human? {{/if}} `Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_SPEAKER = "h"` [I agree I'd like to work on our social life.](#act4_alone_skills) [I think people like us. Let's find out?](#act4_alone_experiment) [Thank you.](#act4_thanks) `_.thanks_for = "social belonging";` # act4_alone_skills h: We could practice skills like starting conversations, sharing interests, asking, listening, empathizing, etc? h: Or make better social habits, like scheduling hangouts with friends or regularly going to meetups? h: Could also learn to get more comfortable with rejection. h: Or learn to know when people aren't rejecting us, they're just tired or have Resting Bitch Face. b: That's a lot of options, but... [Isn't learning to be friendly *manipulative?*](#act4_alone_skills_manipulative) [Won't being friendly make us *easier to manipulate?*](#act4_alone_skills_manipulated) [What if we try to get better, and still fail?](#act4_alone_skills_fail) # act4_alone_skills_manipulative b: Aren't serial killers who can read their victims' emotions great at "empathy"? b: Didn't Charles Manson win friends and influence people? h: No, you're right. h: "Social skills" mean nothing if we don't genuinely care *for* people. h: Basically, just don't be a dick. b: That's a motivational poster caption right there. h: “Don't Be A Dick” (#act4_something_else) # act4_alone_skills_manipulated b: We'll become a Welcome doormat, saying Please and Thank You as people wipe their feet on us! b: We'll kiss so much butt, it'll look like we're wearing brown lipstick! h: Nah, you're right. "Social skills" can't be just about pleasing others, it's also got to be about setting *boundaries.* h: We can't invite others into our home, if we have no walls to hold up a home. h: Also... that lipstick mental image... *ew??* (#act4_something_else) # act4_alone_skills_fail h: We might fail. Actually, we *will* fail. h: And that's fine! Failing is how anyone learns anything new at first! h: So let's fail our way forward together, yeah? b: Sure... worst-case scenario we can just skip town and get a fake identity. b: I think that only costs two bitcoins these days. (#act4_something_else) # act4_alone_experiment h: We could try some experiments! h: We could ping a friend to hang out, reconnect with an old pal, or even just chat with a barista. h: I think we may find we're more likable than we suspect. [What if these experiments fail?](#act4_alone_experiment_fail) [What if these are small, cheap "wins"?](#act4_alone_experiment_cheap) [What if this is a burden to others?](#act4_alone_experiment_burden) # act4_alone_experiment_fail b: What if our results are non-significant (p>0.05) and no journal will publish our null findings? h: You're right, it *could* fail! That's good! It's not a *real* experiment if it couldn't. h: And if we learn that we *are* awkward or inconsiderate, then let's improve our social skills. h: Like starting conversations, sharing interests, listening, empathizing, asking questions... b: ...all that stuff those counselors told us but then we forgot. h: Yup. (#act4_something_else) # act4_alone_experiment_cheap b: Saying "hi" to the barista isn't exactly gold-medal performance in the Social Butterfly Olympics. h: It is for *us!* h: In the social arena, we're not even featherweight class, we're like... quark-weight. h: If we have to start with small, cheap wins, so be it. Gotta climb the 1st step before the 1000th step. b: Yeah! Maybe after saying "hi", we can advance to saying... *"How are you?"* h: *"Not much!"* (#act4_something_else) # act4_alone_experiment_burden b: Maybe the barista just wants to make some dang coffee, not be an *experiment* to see if our social skills suck. h: Well, if it turns out we *are* being a burden... h: That's good to know, too! h: We can then learn how to pro-actively ask people what they're comfortable with, to know and respect others' boundaries. h: Y'know, all that "inter-personal skills" crap we see in counselor brochures. (#act4_something_else) # act4_bad ``` _.a4_talked_about_bad = true; _.a4_fears_discussed += 1; ``` `//b: (insert callbacks to bad-fears you used)` b: I want to defend your moral needs, that drive to become a better person, b: But it just feels like we're so... broken. {{if _.INJURED}} b: And don't tell me we're *not* messed up. We jumped off a *roof*. {{/if}} {{if !_.INJURED}} b: And don't tell me we're *not* messed up. We almost jumped off a *roof*. {{/if}} {{if _.a4_fears_discussed==1}} b: I dunno, enough of *me* choosing what to say next. What do *you* say, human? {{/if}} {{if _.a4_fears_discussed==2}} b: Again, back to you, human. What do you think? {{/if}} {{if _.a4_fears_discussed==3}} b: More thoughts, human? {{/if}} `Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_SPEAKER = "h"` [So we're broken. Let's fix us.](#act4_bad_fix) [So we're broken. Let's accept it.](#act4_bad_accept) [Thank you.](#act4_thanks) `_.thanks_for = "moral well-being";` # act4_bad_fix h: We could slowly build better habits, get our life more in line with what we value, h: And if needed, we could get professional help – a therapist or counsellor. h: There's ways to fix us. [What if we can't fix it all?](#act4_bad_fix_cant) [What if we fix *too* much?](#act4_bad_fix_too_much) [We can't afford professional help.](#act4_bad_fix_afford) # act4_bad_fix_cant h: Nah, I guess you're right. h: We can't fix it all. b: Ahhh I knew it we'll always be broken! h: But we can at least be *less* broken. h: Scars heal with time, but they never go away. And that's okay. b: I guess. b: Besides, scars are *sexy.* h: Please do not do that. (#act4_something_else) # act4_bad_fix_too_much b: This feels sick to admit, but... some part of me *wants* to have this disorder. b: I mean, without it, won't we be *boring?* b: Without the disorder, won't our art become stale and bland? b: Without the disorder, won't we be unable to connect with our pals who have the disorder? b: If we're content with life, will we stop driving ourselves to do great things? h: ... h: If we even have a fear of "running out of fears", h: I don't think we're gonna run out of fears. b: Oh, yeah! Whew! What a relief! (#act4_something_else) # act4_bad_fix_afford b: "Doc, I'm anxious that I'm paying $100/hr just to hear you say *how does that make you feel?*" b: "Mm-hmm. And how does that make you feel?" h: Nah, that's a totally reasonable worry. h: And it genuinely sucks that mental healthcare isn't affordable for lots of folks. h: Still, there are some cheap or free options: h: Support groups, online therapy, student/non-profit health centers... h: Picking up a free meditation habit, watching videos on evidence-based mental health... h: Borrowing a library book on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Acceptance & Commitment Therapy... h: There's a full list of resources at the end of this game! b: Well *that* fourth wall didn't last long. h: Mental well-being is more important than some measly narrative convention. (#act4_something_else) # act4_bad_accept h: I mean, that's what therapists say right? Accept all your emotions, even the negative ones? b: Wait. ["Accept" as in *give up*?](#act4_bad_accept_give_up) ["Accept" as in *approve*?](#act4_bad_accept_approve) ["Accept" as in *take literally*?](#act4_bad_accept_literally) # act4_bad_accept_give_up b: Do you think Martin Luther King would've said, "Shucks we can't sit in the front of the bus, let's just *accept* it?" b: Why does the Self-Help Industrial Complex think waving the white flag is some *profound wisdom?* h: I think therapists mean "accept" bad things as in: acknowledging they exist and are hard to change, h: But not necessarily giving up a commitment to change. b: Then therapists should say *acknowledge*, not *accept*. h: Yeah come to think of it, "accept" is kinda confusing. b: Well, I *acknowledge* that. (#act4_something_else) # act4_bad_accept_approve b: Like it's *good* that we're broken or something? No! b: All those dang Hollywood screenwriters who romanticize mental illness are full of crud! b: Having a mental disorder *sucks!* It robs people of *lives!* Why should we "accept" that?! h: I think therapists mean "accept" our emotions as in: be patient with them. h: Like how struggling in quicksand makes you sink faster, and the solution is to patiently lie flat, {{if _.INJURED}} h: Fighting against you, my fear, lead me to jump off a roof. {{/if}} {{if !_.INJURED}} h: Fighting against you, my fear, almost lead me to jump off a roof. {{/if}} h: Instead, the solution is to do what we're doing now – not to fight, but to patiently be with each other. b: Then they should say *that* instead of some problematic word like "accept". h: Yeah come to think of it, "accept" kind of sucks. b: I do not accept "accept". (#act4_something_else) # act4_bad_accept_literally b: But we already *know* you shouldn't take me literally! b: The whole *problem* is that I want to help you, but I suck at using words to do so! h: I think therapists mean "accept" your emotions as in: "don't fight or ignore them." h: To listen to you, work *with* you, but not take what you say as 100% literal truth. b: Then therapists should say *that* instead of some vague confusing word like "accept". h: I guess they want to help, but suck at using words, too. (#act4_something_else) # act4_something_else {{if _.a4_fears_discussed==1}} h: Anyway, anything else you wanna chat about? {{/if}} {{if _.a4_fears_discussed==2}} h: So, anything else on your heavy heart? {{/if}} {{if _.a4_fears_discussed==3}} (#act4_something_else_2) {{/if}} {{if _.a4_talked_about_harm!=true}} [I'm scared we'll be harmed.](#act4_harm) {{/if}} {{if _.a4_talked_about_alone!=true}} [I'm scared we'll be alone.](#act4_alone) {{/if}} {{if _.a4_talked_about_bad!=true}} [I'm scared we're bad people.](#act4_bad) {{/if}} [Nah, I'm good for now.](#act4c_prelude) # act4_something_else_2 h: Okay, I think we've talked about all our fears now. b: Yes, there are only three fears. h: Yup, exactly three. b: Convenient. (#act4c) # act4c_prelude h: Good chat, team. (#act4c) # act4c ``` Game.clearText(); music(null,{fade:3}); ``` b: ... h: ... b: This isn't some *game*, you know. b: Building a better relationship with your emotions isn't as simple as clicking buttons on a screen. b: *Can* we really get along? b: *Can* we work together, as a team? h: Well, a: E-excuse me... ``` Game.clearText(); publish("smash",[3]); publish("act4-in-2"); publish("outside-hong", ["look-back"]); publish("al-shire", ["ask"]); music('campus', {volume:0.5, fade:1}); ``` (...1600) (#act4d) # act4d a: W-wo-would you mind if I sat with you for lunch? {{if _.TOP_FEAR=="harm"}} s: They were sitting alone for lunch? They must be a psycho loner serial killer! {{/if}} {{if _.TOP_FEAR=="alone"}} s: Ack, do you know how pathetic we sound? How desperate, how *needy*? {{/if}} {{if _.TOP_FEAR=="bad"}} s: They were enjoying peace and quiet, then we interrupted them! We're such a burden! {{/if}} a: I- I mean- it's, it's okay if not, I just... `Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_SPEAKER = "h2"` [Wait, didn't I see you at the party?](#act4d_recognition) [Yeah, of course! Come here.](#act4d_yes) [Sorry, I need alone time right now.](#act4d_no) # act4d_recognition h2: Yeah you were on the couch! At the first party I went to, {{if _.a2_ending=="fight"}} h2: The one where I had that panic attack and punched the host. {{/if}} {{if _.a2_ending=="flight"}} h2: The one where I had that panic attack and ran out crying. {{/if}} b: Hang on human, we might be making them uncomfortable. h2: Ah, I don't mean to put you on the spot! h2: Just remembering a friendly face, is all. `publish("al-shire", ["panic"]);` {{if _.TOP_FEAR=="harm"}} s: AHHHHH I KNEW IT! THEY'RE A DANGEROUS CRAZY PSYCHO! {{/if}} {{if _.TOP_FEAR=="alone"}} s: SEE HOW MUCH WE SUCK AT MAKING FRIENDS?! THE FIRST IMPRESSION WE MADE IS "WITNESSED MY TRAUMA". WE SUCK! {{/if}} {{if _.TOP_FEAR=="bad"}} s: AAAHHH WE MADE SOMEONE REMEMBER A TRAUMATIC EVENT. OUR MERE PRESENCE HURTS OTHERS. {{/if}} (#act4e) # act4d_yes b: Hang on human, they seem uncomfortable. h2: Ah, no pressure of course! h2: Just saying, you can sit here if you want to. `publish("al-shire", ["panic"]);` {{if _.TOP_FEAR=="harm"}} s: THEY'RE BEING *TOO* FRIENDLY! LIKE TED BUNDY, THE SERIAL KILLER! {{/if}} {{if _.TOP_FEAR=="alone"}} s: THEY'RE JUST ACTING NICE. NO ONE *REALLY* WANTS TO BE OUR FRIEND. {{/if}} {{if _.TOP_FEAR=="bad"}} s: GAH, WE ALWAYS MAKE OTHERS FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE! WE'RE TERRIBLE! {{/if}} (#act4e) # act4d_no b: Hang on human, we might be making them uncomfortable. h2: Ah, I didn't mean to come off as rude! {{if _.INJURED}} h2: It's just that, well, I jumped off a roof and almost killed myself. {{/if}} {{if !_.INJURED}} h2: It's just that, well, I almost jumped off a roof. {{/if}} h2: Please don't take it as a personal rejection, I just need quiet time to process some emotions. `publish("al-shire", ["panic"]);` {{if _.TOP_FEAR=="harm"}} s: HOLY COW I KNEW IT, THEY *ARE* A DANGEROUS PSYCHO! {{/if}} {{if _.TOP_FEAR=="alone"}} s: WE'VE BEEN PERSONALLY REJECTED! WE'LL NEVER BE LOVED! {{/if}} {{if _.TOP_FEAR=="bad"}} s: WE INTERRUPTED SOMEONE'S EMOTIONAL PROCESSING! NOW THEY'LL BE TRAUMATIZED FOREVER AND IT'S ALL OUR FAULT! {{/if}} (#act4e) # act4e s: RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN ``` Game.clearText(); publish("al-shire", ["run"]); ``` (...2001) ``` publish("act4-out-3"); ``` (...1001) h: Huh. That was weird. I wonder what was going on in their head. h: Anyway, you were saying? b: Uh, I forget? Something about teams and work? h: (shrug) b: They say you should "make peace" with your emotions, as if your emotions are some kind of *war criminals*. b: But I want us to make *more* than mere peace! I want us to be *allies!* b: I want to be a good guard-dog. Just like how hunger & thirst are alarms for your physical needs, b: I want to be the alarm for your emotional needs – your needs for safety, belonging, goodness. b: But... I suck at my job, so I need you to train me. b: Teaching an old dog new tricks *will* take a while. Maybe *years.* b: And sometimes I'll relapse, I'll slip into my old habits. b: I'll bark at shadows. I'll scare you with words. I might even show you some intrusive images of... things. b: I'm sorry! I'm a battered shelter dog! Battered dogs poop on your bed sometimes! b: But if you're patient with me... and just stay and sit with me... b: Maybe you can tame this wolf. `Game.clearText();` (...1000) `Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_SPEAKER = "h"` [Good dog.](#act4f-pat-bb) `Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_SPEAKER = "h"` `Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_SPEAKER = "b"` [Good human.](#act4f-pat-hong) `Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_SPEAKER = "b"` # act4f-pat-hong ``` Game.clearText(); Game.FORCE_CANT_SKIP = true; music(null,{fade:0.5}); sfx("youbothwin"); ``` `publish("end-pat", ["pat-hong-1"])` (...501) `publish("end-pat", ["pat-hong-2"])` (...501) `publish("end-pat", ["pat-hong-1"])` (...501) `publish("end-pat", ["pat-hong-2"])` (...501) `publish("end-pat", ["pat-hong-1"])` (...501) `publish("end-pat", ["pat-hong-2"])` (...6501) `publish("end-pat", ["pat-hong-3"])` (...1001) (#act4f) # act4f-pat-bb ``` Game.clearText(); Game.FORCE_CANT_SKIP = true; music(null,{fade:0.5}); sfx("youbothwin"); ``` `publish("end-pat", ["pat-bb-1"])` (...501) `publish("end-pat", ["pat-bb-2"])` (...501) `publish("end-pat", ["pat-bb-1"])` (...501) `publish("end-pat", ["pat-bb-2"])` (...501) `publish("end-pat", ["pat-bb-1"])` (...501) `publish("end-pat", ["pat-bb-2"])` (...6501) `publish("end-pat", ["pat-bb-3"])` (...1001) (#act4f) # act4f ``` Game.FORCE_CANT_SKIP = false; publish("end-pat", ["freak-out"]) ``` {{if _.fifteencigs}} b: AAAAA YOU'RE STILL EATING ALONE FIFTEEN CIGARETTES AAAAA {{/if}} {{if _.parasite}} b: AAAAA YOU'RE STILL NOT PRODUCTIVE WHILE EATING WE'RE PARASITES AAAAA {{/if}} {{if _.whitebread}} b: AAAAA YOU'RE EATING MORE WHITE BREAD AAAAA {{/if}} ``` sfx("yaps", {volume:0.6}); Game.FORCE_CANT_SKIP = true; ``` b: YAP YAP YAP YAP YAP (#credits)