# intro `SceneSetup.intro();` # intro-play-button [
](#intro-start) `publish("intro-to-game-1"); Game.OVERRIDE_CHOICE_LINE=true;` # intro-start (...500) `clearText()` n3: derp `publish("show_options_bottom")` # intro-start-2 `clearText()` (...1000) `publish("intro-to-game-2")` n2: THIS IS A HUMAN (...600) `clearText()` (...300) `publish("intro-to-game-3")` # act1 `SceneSetup.act1();` (...300) n: AND THIS IS THE HUMAN'S ANXIETY n: _YOU_ ARE THE ANXIETY [You're eating alone for lunch! Again!](#act1a_alone) [You're not productive while eating!](#act1a_productive) [That white bread's bad for you!](#act1a_bread) # act1a_alone `bb({mouth:"small", eyes:"narrow"})` b: Don't you know loneliness is associated with premature death as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day?- `Game.OVERRIDE_TEXT_SPEED = 2;` `bb({mouth:"normal", eyes:"normal_right"})` b: (Holt-Lunstad et al, 2010, PLoS Medicine) `hong({mouth:"0_neutral", eyes:"0_annoyed"})` h: Um, thanks for citing your sources but-- `Game.OVERRIDE_TEXT_SPEED = 2;` `bb({body:"fear", mouth:"normal", eyes:"fear"})` b: Which means if you don't hang out with someone *right now* you're gonna- `bb({body:"panic"})` b: DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ``` bb({body:"normal", mouth:"normal", eyes:"normal"}); hong({mouth:"0_shock", eyes:"0_shock"}); attack("20p", "alone"); publish("hp_show"); ``` (...2500)