# [Play the interactive story here!](https://ncase.me/anxiety/) ## Public Domain Nicky Case and Monplaisir hereby dedicate all their work for this game to the public domain, under [Creative Commons Zero](https://creativecommons.org/choose/zero/). That means: you can remix and reuse *any* of the original art / code / music in this game for *any* purpose, even commercial use! **Q:** Do I have to give attribution? **A:** You're not *legally* required to, but it's highly appreciated! <3 **Q:** Legally speaking, can I claim *I* made this? **A:** Yes, the same way you're legally allowed to claim to have written Mary Shelley's *Frankenstein*, or claim you have 13 nipples. **Q:** Can I sell a port of this game? **A:** Yes! But to avoid confusion, I recommend labeling your game as "Fan-Made Port", and *link to this statement saying I'm explicitly allowing commercial remixes*. This is to avoid accusations of theft from folks who weren't aware I always open-source + public-domain my projects. (Example: [a Steam port of another one of my games!](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1103210/We_Become_What_We_Behold_FanMade_Port/)) **Q:** Can I turn this game into a dating sim between the human and wolf? **A:** uh ## Full Credits Art / Code / Writing by [Nicky Case](https://ncase.me/) Music by [Monplaisir](https://loyaltyfreakmusic.com) **Sound Effects from FreeSound.org (Creative Commons)** * [Intro Scream](https://freesound.org/people/analogchill/sounds/35716/) by MaderaDelEste Films * [Dramatic Hit](https://freesound.org/people/qubodup/sounds/222517/) by qubodup * [Nature Ambience](https://freesound.org/people/michorvath/sounds/427601/) by michorvath * [Grass Footstep 1](https://freesound.org/people/morganpurkis/sounds/384651/) by morganpurkis * [Grass Footstep 2](https://freesound.org/people/morganpurkis/sounds/384643/) by morganpurkis * [Eating a Sandwich](https://freesound.org/people/dleverett/sounds/441906/) by dleverett * [Search a Bag](https://freesound.org/people/Tristan_Lohengrin/sounds/233441/) by Tristan\_Lohengrin * [Whoosh](https://freesound.org/people/crackles04/sounds/369698/) by sounds * [Empty Room Ambience](https://freesound.org/people/kyles/sounds/451616/) by kyles * [Ball Bounce](https://freesound.org/people/13GPanska_Lakota_Jan/sounds/378355/) by 13GPanska\_Lakota\_Jan * [Faucet](https://freesound.org/people/calivintage/sounds/95709/) by calivintage * [Pop](https://freesound.org/people/onikage22/sounds/240566/) by onikage22 * [Angry Scream](https://freesound.org/people/cdrk/sounds/21324/) by cdrk * [Dirty Explosion](https://freesound.org/people/Link-Boy/sounds/156615/) by Link-Boy * [Clothes Rustle](https://freesound.org/people/leonelmail/sounds/427866/) by leonelmail * [Typewriter](https://freesound.org/people/tams_kp/sounds/43559/) by tams\_kp * [Yelp](https://freesound.org/people/J%C3%BAliaLN/sounds/382990/) by JúliaLN * [Tension Building](https://freesound.org/people/benjaminharveydesign/sounds/316649/) by benjaminharveydesign * [Short Fart](https://freesound.org/people/DSISStudios/sounds/241000/) by DSISStudios **Sound Effects from Kenney.nl (All Creative Commons Zero)** * [Digital Audio Pack](https://kenney.nl/assets/digital-audio) * [RPG Audio Pack](https://kenney.nl/assets/rpg-audio) * [UI Audio Pack](https://kenney.nl/assets/ui-audio) **Copyrighted Sounds That I Really Hope Count As Fair Use:** * The Pokémon theme song is © The Pokémon Company. I used a ~22s instrumental clip for a parody song about Tinder. * The "Hadouken!" sound is © Capcom. I used it as parody for the anxiety wolf's Special Attack. **Open Source Libraries** * [Howler.js](https://howlerjs.com/) by James Simpsson for sounds * [MinPubSub](https://github.com/daniellmb/MinPubSub) by Daniel Lamb for pub/sub * [RSVP.js](https://github.com/tildeio/rsvp.js/) by Tilde for promises * [Simple Sharing Buttons](https://simplesharingbuttons.com/) by Stefan Bohacek * [Ceaser](https://matthewlein.com/tools/ceaser) by Matthew Lein for CSS animation **Thank you to my playtesters!** B Cavello, EmilyKate McDonough, Glen Chiacchieri, Mikayla Hutchinson, Monica Srivastava, Rowan, Srini Kadamati **And of course, thank you to the generous support of [my fans on Patreon.](https://www.patreon.com/ncase)** Luv y'all <3 ## How To Translate Okay. I super, super seriously apologize in advance. Translating this thing will *suck.* Thus, I highly recommend collaborating online on a translation! There's about 9,000 words to translate, the rules of what to translate or not are a bit weird, and you'll need to edit some images. But if you're still up for it... ### Step 1: [Make a fork](https://help.github.com/en/articles/fork-a-repo) on Github! ### Step 2: *POST AN ISSUE WITH A LINK TO YOUR FORK.* This will let folks a) know a translation is in process, and b) let *you* find collaborators for the translation process! ### Step 3: Translate all the Markdown files in `/scenes`. (about 9000 words) Personally I use [MacDown](https://macdown.uranusjr.com/) (Mac only), but there's [a whole bunch of other free open-source Markdown editors](https://opensource.com/article/18/11/markdown-editors). **THERE ARE RULES OF WHAT TO TRANSLATE OR NOT.** It's probably best to show it with examples. Excuse my terrible French... Original English: ![](misc/english.png) Translated to "Nicky's Attempt At French": ![](misc/french.png) As you can see, you *don't* translate everything. **Just translate:** * Anything after a letter + colon. This changes a dialogue *spoken*. "h:" is hong the human, "b:" is beebee the wolf, etc. * Anything in the square brackets of `[words words words](#section_name)`. This changes the dialogue *choices.* **Try to:** * Not make any translated line go 20% longer than the original English. Otherwise dialogue bubbles or choices may go off-screen. Paraphrase or cut words if you have to. **Do NOT translate:** * Anything within ``` `code({with:"backticks",like:"this"});` ```. This is the code that runs between dialogue lines. * Anything within ``` {{ these brackets either }} ```. These allow for changes in dialogue or choices based on previous choices (see example above). * Any line that starts with a `#`. That's a section name. * The part in the *round* brackets in `[words words words](#section_name)`. That's the name of the section you'll go to if you select that dialogue choice. Oh but of *course* that's not all the rules! Two more rules for translating swear words: Original English: ![](misc/swear_english.png) Excusez mon français: ![](misc/swear_french.png) **Rules for translating swears:** * Put all swear words in `^fucking^ carat symbols`. This is so they can be replaced with @#&!✩@ in the Cuss-Free Mode. * Beebee the wolf (almost) never swears. They swear a couple times in the perverted Pokémon parody song but that's it. Otherwise, they say "Heck" and "Dang". **One more dumb rule: Don't translate any words within #pounds#.** Like so. English: ![](misc/hash_english.png) French: ![](misc/hash_french.png) ### Step 4: Translate `index.html`. (about 70 words) There's further instructions in that file itself. (Feel free to add yourself + your collaborators as translators in the top-left corner!) This translates some UI, and helps search engines + social networks understand the page is in your target language. ### Step 5: Translate the images. This step sucks. You can use an image-editing program like MS Paint or [GIMP](https://www.gimp.org). Images to translate: (about 70 words) * `sharing/thumb.png` (so when folks share your game on social media, the thumbnail's in your language!) * `sprites/about/cc0.png` * `sprites/about/replay.png` * `sprites/act4/callback.png` * `sprites/credits/end_message.png` * `sprites/credits/screens.png` (feel free to add yourself in closing credits as a translator) * `sprites/credits/starring.png` * `sprites/credits/thanks.png` * `sprites/intermission/youwin.png` * `sprites/intro/intro_logo.png` (feel free to add yourself in opening credits as a translator) * `sprites/ui/fear_captions.png` * `sprites/ui/preloader.png` ### Step 6: Your translated game is DONE! Now you just need to put it online. You can follow [Github Pages's instructions](https://pages.github.com) for free hosting. (it's the same way I'm hosting my game) ### (OPTIONAL STEP): This game also has a link to a list of Mental Health Resources, [on a different webpage](https://ncase.me/mental-health-resources). It's not part of the "main" game, but it may still be valuable to make accessible in more languages. The repo & instructions for translating that are... [here!](https://github.com/ncase/mental-health-resources) ### Step 7: TELL ME YOU ARE *DONE* 🎉🎉🎉 Ping @ncase on the Github Issue you created in Step 2 so I know! Or email me at ![](misc/email.png) Do ***NOT*** send a Pull Request, because that will change the *original* game. I will, however, edit the original game to have a link to your translation! I'm usually busy and/or bad at email, so it'll take me a while to get around to it, but if I don't respond for a week, ping me again! Thank you you're the beeeeeest 💖🐺💖