window._ = {}; window.Game = {}; Game.sections = {}; Game.startSectionID = null; Game.dom = document.querySelector("#game_container"); Game.wordsDOM = document.querySelector("#game_words"); Game.choicesDOM = document.querySelector("#game_choices"); Game.queue = []; // Parse data! Game.onload = function(data){ // THE FIRST ID Game.startSectionID = null; // Split into sections... data = data.trim(); data = "\n" + data; var sections = data.split(/\n\#\s*/); sections.shift(); sections.forEach(function(section){ var split_index = section.indexOf("\n\n"); var id = section.slice(0, split_index).toLocaleLowerCase(); var text = section.slice(split_index+2); // Split into lines text = text.trim(); var lines = text.split("\n\n"); for(var i=0; i0){ promiseNext.then(function(){ Game.executeNextLine(); }); } }; Game.clearQueue = function(){ Game.queue = []; }; Game.addToQueue = function(line){ Game.queue.push(line); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TEXT AND STUFF ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Move the text DOM to latest Game.updateText = function(){ var wordsHeight = 80 + Game.wordsDOM.getBoundingClientRect().height; var currentY = parseFloat( || 80; var gotoY = (wordsHeight<260) ? 0 : wordsHeight-260; gotoY = 80 - gotoY; var nextY = currentY*0.9 + gotoY*0.1; = nextY+"px"; }; // Execute text! Just add it to text DOM. Game.executeText = function(line){ var div = document.createElement("div"); var promiseDone = pinkySwear(); // Is it human or wolf? var dialogue; var isWolf = /^\>(.*)/.test(line); if(isWolf){ div.className = "wolf-bubble"; dialogue = line.match(/^\>(.*)/)[1].trim(); }else{ div.className = "human-bubble"; dialogue = line; } // Add the bubble, with animation Game.wordsDOM.appendChild(div); requestAnimationFrame(function(){ requestAnimationFrame(function(){ = 1; = 0; }); }); // Add the text, letter by letter! var interval = 0; var SPEED = 40; for(var i=0; i "+choiceText); Game.goto(choiceID); }; Game.choicesDOM.appendChild(div); // Return promise var promiseImmediate = new pinkySwear(); promiseImmediate(true, []); return promiseImmediate; } // Execute code! Game.executeCode = function(line){ var code = line.match(/\`+([^\`]*)\`+/)[1].trim(); try{ eval(code); }catch(e){ console.log(e); } // Return promise var promiseImmediate = new pinkySwear(); promiseImmediate(true, []); return promiseImmediate; } // Execute goto! Just goto. Game.executeGoto = function(line){ var gotoID = line.match(/^\(\#(.*)\)/)[1].trim().toLocaleLowerCase(); Game.goto(gotoID); } // Determine line type... text, choice, or code? Game.getLineType = function(line){ // Is it a choice? var isChoice = /\[.*\]\(\#.*\)/.test(line); if(isChoice) return "choice"; // Is it a goto? var isGoto = /^\(\#(.*)\)/.test(line); if(isGoto) return "goto"; // Is it code? var isCode = /^\`/.test(line); if(isCode) return "code"; // Otherwise, it's text. return "text"; }; // Parse all the handlebars... Game.parseLine = function(line){ // Get the IFs, if any var lookForIfs = true; while(lookForIfs){ lookForIfs = false; // Look for an IF! var regex = /\{\{if.*\/if\}\}/ig; var regexResult = regex.exec(line); if(regexResult){ // The result... var fullConditional = regexResult[0]; var startsAtIndex = regexResult.index; var endsAtIndex = startsAtIndex + fullConditional.length; // Extract the condition var condition = fullConditional.match(/\{\{if\s+([^\{\}]*)\}\}/)[1]; // Extract the inside text var insideText = fullConditional.match(/\}\}([^\{\}]*)\{\{/)[1].trim(); // Eval condition! var conditionIsTrue = false; try{ conditionIsTrue = eval(condition); }catch(e){ console.log(e); } // Edit the line var insert = conditionIsTrue ? insideText : ""; line = line.slice(0,startsAtIndex) + insert + line.slice(endsAtIndex); // Keep searching... lookForIfs = true; } } // Return line! return line; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WHERE STUFF WILL BE DRAWN /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Game.canvas = document.querySelector("#game_canvas"); Game.canvas.width = 360 * 2; Game.canvas.height = 450 * 2; = Game.canvas.width/2 + "px"; = Game.canvas.height/2 + "px"; Game.context = Game.canvas.getContext("2d"); // A blank scene Game.resetScene = function(){ Game.scene = {}; Game.scene.children = []; }; Game.resetScene(); // Update & draw all the kids! Game.updateCanvas = function(){ // For retina var ctx = Game.context; ctx.clearRect(0,0,ctx.canvas.width,ctx.canvas.height);; ctx.scale(2,2); // Update/Draw all kids Game.scene.children.forEach(function(child){ child.draw(ctx); }); // Restore ctx.restore(); // Draw HP HP.draw(); };