/******************************** Character Architecture: * Layers: Body + Mouth + Eyes * Can animate each layer independently * Alternate mouth when talking * Short animation loops * [star] in body means show no eyes/mouth *********************************/ Loader.addImages([ { id:"fear_harm", src:"sprites/ui/fear_harm.png" }, { id:"fear_alone", src:"sprites/ui/fear_alone.png" }, { id:"fear_bad", src:"sprites/ui/fear_bad.png" }, { id:"fear_captions", src:"sprites/ui/fear_captions.png" } ]); function Character(spriteConfig, animLoops){ var self = this; self.spriteConfig = spriteConfig; self.animLoops = animLoops || []; // Sprite! var THERE_IS_A_CONE = !!spriteConfig.OVERRIDE_LAYER_NAMES; var LAYER_NAMES = spriteConfig.OVERRIDE_LAYER_NAMES || ["body","mouth","eyes"]; self.layers = {}; LAYER_NAMES.forEach(function(layerName){ self.layers[layerName] = new Sprite(spriteConfig); }); // Attack sprites (Hong only, really) self.fears = {}; ["harm","alone","bad"].forEach( function(fearName){ self.fears[fearName] = new Sprite({ image: Library.images["fear_"+fearName], grid:{ width:1, height:1 }, frame:{ width:200, height:200 }, anchor:{ x:100/2, y:100/2 }, scale:0.75 }); } ); // Fear caption sprites self.fearCaptionSprite = new Sprite({ image: Library.images.fear_captions, grid: { width:1, height:3 }, frame: { width:200, height:200 }, anchor: { x:100/2, y:100/2 }, scale: 0.75, frameNames:["harm","alone","bad"] }); // Go To Frames self.bounce = 1; self.bounceVel = 0; self.bounceHookes = 0.2; self.bounceDamp = 0.8; self.characterFrames = {}; self.MOUTH_LOCK = false; self.whenDoneSpeaking = function(){ self.MOUTH_LOCK = false; }; self.gotoFrames = function(args, bounce){ // Gimme those args if(args.body){ if(!self.layers.body.doesFrameNameExist("body_"+args.body)) args.body+="*"; // add * if missing self.characterFrames.body = args.body; } if(args.mouth) self.characterFrames.mouth = args.mouth; if(args.eyes) self.characterFrames.eyes = args.eyes; // DID ANY PART CHANGE? var ANY_PART_CHANGED = false; if(args.body){ var bodyName = "body_"+args.body; if(self.layers.body.currentFrameName!=bodyName) ANY_PART_CHANGED=true; self.layers.body.gotoFrameByName(bodyName); self.characterFrames.body = args.body; } if(args.mouth){ var mouthName = "mouth_"+args.mouth; if(self.layers.mouth.currentFrameName!=mouthName) ANY_PART_CHANGED=true; self.layers.mouth.gotoFrameByName(mouthName); } if(args.eyes){ var eyesName = "eyes_"+args.eyes; if(self.layers.eyes.currentFrameName!=eyesName) ANY_PART_CHANGED=true; self.layers.eyes.gotoFrameByName(eyesName); } // If NO CHANGE, then BOUNCE=0 if(!ANY_PART_CHANGED) bounce=0; // Bounce? if(bounce===undefined) bounce=0.03; // a LITTLE bit, by default if(bounce!==undefined){ self.bounce += bounce; } // Go go go var l = self.layers; var c = self.characterFrames; l.body.gotoFrameByName( "body_"+c.body ); l.mouth.gotoFrameByName( "mouth_"+c.mouth ); l.eyes.gotoFrameByName( "eyes_"+c.eyes ); // LOCK IN THE CONE TO BODY + MOUTH, IF ANY if(THERE_IS_A_CONE){ l.cone.gotoFrameByName( "cone_normal" ); l.coneb.gotoFrameByName( "coneb_normal" ); } // MOUTH LOCK? if(args.MOUTH_LOCK){ self.MOUTH_LOCK = l.mouth.currentFrameName; } }; // Draw self.characterSpeakerID = "derp"; self.characterSquash = 1; self.ALLOW_PARALLAX = false; self.x = -1337; self.draw = function(ctx, delta){ var fname; var l = self.layers; var c = self.characterFrames; // ALLOW PARALLAX??? ctx.save(); if(self.ALLOW_PARALLAX){ ctx.translate(self.x, 0); } // Attacked? SHAKE WHOLE CONTEXT if(IVE_BEEN_ATTACKED){ var shakeDuration = 0.6; if(attackedTimer=0){ l.cone.gotoFrameByName( "cone_scream" ); l.coneb.gotoFrameByName( "coneb_scream" ); }else if(l.body.currentFrameName.indexOf("karate")>=0){ l.cone.gotoFrameByName( "cone_karate" ); l.coneb.gotoFrameByName( "coneb_karate" ); }else if(l.body.currentFrameName.indexOf("yap")>=0){ l.cone.gotoFrame(l.body.currentFrame+4); l.coneb.gotoFrameByName( "coneb_blank" ); }else{ l.cone.gotoFrameByName( "cone_normal" ); l.coneb.gotoFrameByName( "coneb_normal" ); } } // SUPER HACK if(THERE_IS_A_CONE){ l.coneb.draw(ctx); } // Body l.body.draw(ctx); // If body is NOT on a "*" frame... if(l.body.currentFrameName.indexOf("*")<0){ // Mouth if(self.MOUTH_LOCK){ l.mouth.gotoFrameByName(self.MOUTH_LOCK); }else{ if(Game.WHO_IS_SPEAKING==self.characterSpeakerID){ // If I'm talking, switch to a talking mouth! var mouthTalkFrame = "mouth_"+c.mouth+"_talk"; if( l.mouth.doesFrameNameExist(mouthTalkFrame) ){ l.mouth.gotoFrameByName(mouthTalkFrame); } }else{ // If I'm not talking & my mouth is in the talk position, switch it back! var isMyMouthTalking = (l.mouth.currentFrameName.indexOf("_talk")>=0); if(isMyMouthTalking){ l.mouth.gotoFrameByName( "mouth_"+c.mouth ); } } } l.mouth.draw(ctx); // Eyes l.eyes.draw(ctx); } // SUPER HACK if(THERE_IS_A_CONE){ l.cone.draw(ctx); } // Draw attacked icon if(IVE_BEEN_ATTACKED){ if(attackedIconShown){ var icon = self.fears[attackedIconShown]; icon.draw(ctx); var caption = self.fearCaptionSprite; caption.gotoFrameByName(attackedIconShown); caption.x = icon.x; caption.y = icon.y-37; caption.alpha = icon.alpha; caption.draw(ctx); } attackedTimer += delta; if(attackedTimer>1.75){ if(attackedIconShown){ icon.y -= 1; icon.alpha -= 1/15; } iconAlpha_HACK -= 1/15; if(iconAlpha_HACK<0){ attackedIconShown = null; IVE_BEEN_ATTACKED = false; } } } ctx.restore(); }; var iconAlpha_HACK = 0; // Anim Loop logic! self.animLoops.forEach(function(rule){ rule.active = false; rule.countdown = -1; }); self.runAnimLoopRules = function(delta){ for(var i=0; i